Back Story 2

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17 years later

"She has almost come of age. Now what shall we do, brother?" Poseidon asked, referring to the young goddess who had caused allot of different opinions.

"She has grown without almost no violence so I think it is safe." Hades said, it was rare for him come to Olympus. And his arrival seemed to be for the sake of (Name).

"Let us see, I still cannot accept her grey existence" Zeus said. "We are white the dragons are black. So the question remains, What is she?"

"No father, isn't she. She is curious like a mortal," Artimes paused, looking at everyone. "Strong like a god, righteous like a dragon." It was getting clearer how close the both were.

"Exactly, Naïve and innocent little (Name). But for how long? A person cannot be so for long"

"Zeus, I think you are just too harsh to her" Hera, Zeus's wife, agreed against him. Even though she was furious Zeus for having an affair, and was known to have a deep hate towards his children. Hera had grown to like (Name).

"Yes, I think she is going to be a fine lady. As we have learnt her domain is creation and destruction."

"Hmmm.... I think it is time to tell her about the prophecy." Apollo said, Not liking that she had been kept in the dark for all of these years.

"NO! Are you an idiot? What if she decides to take things into her own hands!?" Zeus said [more like shouted ( • _ • )]


(Name) was in the library. It was her favourite spot in the entire palace. Not many people visited here, so it was almost deserted. And she could have all the books to herself.

All of these books were written by the gods and dragons on different matters mostly their domains. Apollo always teased her saying that no-one in the entire world would find any of this even remotely interesting but her.

(Name) personally liked Igneel's best. His way of writing was something she admired. 'Hmm.... What should I read today?' She thought while running her fingers through different books feeling their pages, feeling them brush against her hands. But stopped on a particular book, it seemed that the female hadn't read it.

The book was the most flashy one with a royal red colour and on it written with beautiful golden words were-

The book of prophecies Oracle of Delphi
                   - Apollo

That explained the flashy-ness (AN: is that even a word?) Apollo was always one for flair.

(Name) decided to read it since she had nothing else to do. It was also the first book she had seen that was written by Apollo. The girl smiled through the pages, each knew decorated differently from the last, buy the stood out. The words were in which black letters.

'A child with the blood of gods
Shall find Chaos against all odds
Neither dragon nor a god

A trail of blood she shall lay
A love found to lead her astray
And all one can do is pray

Fear her
For she is the Lady of pandemonium'

That was...... Depressing.

"Chaos?" The (e/colour) eyed female thought aloud. Where had she heard the name before?

Things happened so fast, (Name) couldn't follow, the girl saw was a man with playful blue eyes that looked like he was ready to kill someone (which he probably was) accompanied with black hair. [Picture above] The males presence itself was so overwhelming she could practically hear her heart beating outside her chest

"Who are you to be alive after summoning me?"

"Uh.. M-My N-N-Name is"

"Stop stuttering. Or I'll kill you." He nonchalantly said as though it was the most common thing in the world.

The female gathered her thoughts, and took a deep breath, Her still beating loud. "My name is (Full Name) or Dragnair, I am 17 years old and too young to die. Please don't kill me" She tried her best to not let the fear in her voice show. But unluckily for her he wasn't a normal being. He smelled fear on her like a dog could smell a bone. This seemed to give him some sort of satisfaction.

"I am Chaos. Now where am I?" He held out his chest as if he was expecting her to drop to the and worship him. Instead Chaos found himself looking at a girl whose eyes were widened and jaw was on the ground.

Then it clicked, all the pics matched. Chaos!? THE CHAOS?!?!? Chaos as the one who was banned from stepping foot on Heaven or Earth?

"Well?" 'Chaos' demanded.

"The library in Olympus"

"Where is that?"

"Uh.... Mt. Olympus near the mortal realm"

"Is this the home to the gods?"

"Well, Yeah-"

Her eyes widened to the book she had been reading. Was that the reason he was here? A pair of blue eyes noticed her gaze. "What are you reading?"

"A book of prophecies- It's called Lady Pandemonium"

"Ah yes I have heard of it" He said while reading it. Chaos looked at (Name) after reading it. His eyes had a newfound playful look in them. This look led to the female knowing that whatever was going to happen, she most probably was not gonna be enjoying it. "Tell me, (Name), are you a god, a Dragon or a lucky human living here?" Chaod asked with a huge smile on his face.

(Name) hesitated for a momemt. "I am..... neither."

His grin widened, maybe Chaos would enjoy his stay here. "Have you ever fallen in love?"

What is this 20 questions? And that question is just personal.

But let's just say she was too scared to say that aloud. "No, I have not"

"Then, sweetheart," His voice now laced with newfound playful sarcasm. "You better start running."

A chill ran up the females spine as she wondered, what she had just gotten herself into.

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