For infinity

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Zeref stood there, waiting in his suit. He had dressed for the occasion. (Chaos had forced him to dress properly.) You should've seen the options Chaos had presented, a red suit,  a green one and the one he was wearing.

A few minutes later (Name) came. A lot late. "You're lat...." He never got to complete the sentence. Or couldn't. Walking towards him was (Name), wearing beautiful dress that hung to her figure, it was a simple dress with not too much glitter neither was it too plain, the dress touched the ground with slight lace around the waist a bit like a belt. It was black, matching his outfit confirming that it was Chaos who forced her to dress. Or else (Name) Dragnair would never dress like a girl.

As soon as she reached near him, he pulled her in for a small kiss. "What are you doing?" She squeaked.

"Just realizing how lucky I am to have you." It was definitely cheesy, cheesy enough to make thousand cheesecakes, but still somehow she liked it.

He held out his arm, "Shall we?" She let out a small laugh before taking his arm. "Yes."

They walked for a while, hand in hand, occasionally looking at each other. "Where are we going?" The shorter female asked, her curiosity finally getting the best of her. In return he only hummed, wanting to keep it a surprise. They kept on walking till they reached a small round table with a few candles and food on the table.

"When did-"

"Something I pulled off."

She smiled at him and pecked his cheek. "You're so sweet, thank you."

"I know, I'm amazing," Zeref said while pulling the chair back for her and she sat down, while he sat opposite to her.

She started eating slowly, while Zeref stared at the stars.

"Beautiful, aren't they." (Name)'s words broke him out of his trace.

"Yeah. They are."

"Igneel once told me that the bravest of humans, Gods, dragons and even animals, when they die they become stars. Some even become constellations." She spoke dreamily. "They are alive, watching their loved ones, for infinity."

'For infinity.'

"(Name)," He spoke first, grabbing both her hand and her attention. "We've know each other for nearly a century, now. And we've been a couple for like half of that century."

She slowly nodded.

"So, I've been thinking - a lot - about us. And I came to a decision, that I want to spend my rest of the days with you, and only you." As soon as he said that (Name)'s breathing hitched as tears threatened to fall from her (colour) eyes.

"(Name) Dragnair, will you be (Name) Dragneel for me? Will you marry me?"

And (Name) died.

No seriously. She stared at him, blankly, not even able to think straight. ".....What....?" Her voice gave out, cracking before (Name) could get the single syllable out of her lips.

"Yes." She said as soon as she had full control over her emotions. "Oh my gosh, yes." He smiled at her and they both sat there, satisfied.

"I need to come clean." She said.

"About what?"

She shyly looked at him, hesitating, "Remember a week ago...... We were drunk.......and....."


Her breathing grew heavier and she looked straight into his eyes as she whispered something only for the both of them to hear. And Zeref froze.

"I'm going to be a mother."

«Forever» [Zeref x reader]Where stories live. Discover now