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Alexa and I walk back into the office and drop our drawers off, after having counted them down and making sure all of the money was in its proper place. Alexa hands me a wet rag and grabs one for herself, "You ready, girl?" She asks with a sigh

"No, not at all" I say truthfully, "These dishes are a fucking mess"

"Yeah well, humans are disgusting" she shrugs and follows me back into the kitchen. I start running some warm water and begin washing the dirty dishes.

"So how are you and Justin?" Alexa asks and bumps her hip into mine

"Who?" I ask curiously and look her up and down

"Oh, Justin..." I nod my head as I remember, "and I thought you were coming back here to help me" I say smugly

"Cleaning isn't my strong suit" she sighs and sits on the counter top to watch me clean

"I haven't talked to him since I ran into him the other day, I've been busy" I say simply and continue cleaning

"Are you kidding me?" Alexa grabs my wrist to stop me from washing the dishes, "Justin Bieber gave you his number and you haven't called him?" She narrows her eyes at me in disgust

"What? You know I don't like him" I huff and pull my arm away, "He's an egotistical prick who doesn't care about anyone but himself" I scoff and rinse off the dishes

"Who cares? It's Justin Bieber! You could get his dick if you tried" Alexa pokes my shoulder

"Oh wow, what a steal" I say sarcastically and lift my shoulders in fake excitement

"Are you seriously not going to call him back?" She asks and slouches in disapproval

"He just wants me to watch his kid, why would I want to do that?" I ask, annoyed at her constant pressuring

"Are you fucking retarded?" She scoffs, "Not only is he Bieber's kid, but he's cute as fuck" she says and pulls out her phone to show me a picture. I see a high quality image of them standing side by side, Dylan has blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

"Doesn't Dylan look just like Justin?" Alexa creeps her face around the phone to look at me, I flicker my eyes up at her

"Sure" I agree though I've never seen Justin as a baby

"Look!" She says with excitement and swipes the picture to the right to show another of Dylan, except now he has hazel eyes. Or is this Justin?

"They look exactly like each other!" She squeals and turns her phone back to her

"Yep" I nod, amused at how she drools over him

"You have to call him" she says sternly, shocking me at how quickly she dropped the lovey dovey act

"No" I laugh and dry my hands off

"That's funny, it didn't sound like an option. Call him, do it now" she orders and hands me my phone

It's been a couple days since I ran into Justin, I have yet to think about him again until now. I admit, I have been putting it off because I really don't think that I should be around him, his type of personality is not very attractive to me. It's not like I have anything better to be doing though, I should just humor myself and call him. I take my phone and tap his contact name, I hold it up to my ear and he picks it up after a few too many rings.

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