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I flutter my eyes open and take a deep breath as I wake, the feeling of lips kissing the back of my neck soothes me—until I realize who's they are—I reach my hand back and tangle my fingers through Justin's hair to stop him, but I decide against it, his kisses feel nice.

"Good morning" he coos and continues to kiss my neck

I don't remember much from last night, my head is aching and the light from the windows hurts my eyes, but these aren't my windows. And this isn't my bedroom. I'm in Justin's room.

Oh god

"Justin" I panic and scoot away from him so he's no longer spooning me, "Did we-...um..." I stammer, nervous to ask

Justin shakes his head and chuckles

I sigh with relief and let my head fall back on the pillow

"No, I knew you'd be upset if I let you" he smiles and tucks my hair behind my ear


"Let me do what?" I ask

"You were really horny last night" he chuckles and pulls me back to him, "I don't know if someone gave you some ecstasy or what, but it broke your heart when I said no" he says and runs his fingertips up and down my arm

I swallow hard at his words. Is he serious? That's so embarrassing

"Ariana, I'm kidding" Justin says when I don't laugh at his story

"Don't" I huff and smack his bare chest, "I thought you were serious, that's embarrassing" I pout

"I'm sorry" he pouts with me and rests his head on mine, "But you did try and smash with me" he says

"Stop" I giggle

"I'm kidding, I just brought you back here and we stayed up all night talking"

"...about what?" I scrunch my eyebrows together

"You" Justin shrugs, "Your family, your job, and some other stuff"

"What kind of other stuff?"

"Oh you know..." he shrugs again, "that other kind of stuff" Justin smiles, not answering my question purposefully

"About me or you?" I narrow my eyes and smile


"Ah geeze, now I'm worried. What did I say, was it embarrassing?"

"No" he shakes his head, "You were just taking about Ricky"

My heart stops


"What-uh...what was I saying about him?" I ask cautiously

"Nothing, just about how you hadn't had sex since you were with him, and how the relationship was boring, and how you'd much rather be with me and live happily ever after..." Justin trails off with a careless shrug

Another smile grows on my face, "Shut up" I lightly smack his chest, "I hate you"

"No you don't" Justin smiles and lifts my chin so I look up at him. He kisses me and I return it, my lips linger on his for a while, maybe a little longer than he expected. I pull back and he continues to smile at me, pleased that I enjoyed myself just now, I roll my eyes playfully and put my head back down on his shoulder

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