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I scroll through Twitter, secretly examining all the tweets about Justin and me. For a while we were trending, but Justin won't allow me to look at the tweets. He's afraid I might see something rude, but I couldn't help it. It's weird being known by people just because I hang out with Justin. My brother, Frankie, has been texting me about it nonstop

Justin groans and drops his pencil, allowing his head to fall back as he spins around in his chair

"What's wrong baby?" I asked and put my phone down, rolling my chair over to his to examine his writing

"I can't think" he pouts and rests his head on my shoulder

I pick up his notebook and read what he has. Nothing. He just has doodles of random things

"Well, you're off to a great start" I tease

"Help me" he whines and kisses my exposed collar bone

"Well what do you want to write about?" I ask and pick up his pencil

"I don't know. That's the problem" he sighs and sits up straight. He presses random buttons, making different noises echo through the studio

"Well..." I sigh with him

"Justin why don't you just let me pay someone to write you another song?" Scooter groans and puts his phone down

"No. I'm tired of singing songs that other people write" Justin groans

I spin around and see a line up of instruments leaning against the wall, I spy a ukulele and roll my chair over to grab it while Justin continues to play around.

I roll back to Justin and strum a few chords, remembering the song that I wrote a couple years ago. Justin turns around and watches me

"You play the ukulele?" He asks

"Mhm" I nod and play around with the chords

I hum the tune of the words to try and remember the lyrics, hoping to give Justin some inspiration

"The sun is setting, and you're right here by my side" I sing softly, not used to singing in front of legends. Though I did the other night when I was drunk.

"And the movie is playing, but we won't be watching tonight..." I trail off as they both intently watch me, making me feel shy

"Keep going" Justin smiles and nods his head at me

"Every look, every touch, makes me wanna give you my heart"

"I've been crushing on you baby, stay right where you are..." I wander off again as I forget the rest of the words. I sing a small falsetto to improvise and play a few chords

A timid smile appears on my face and Justin slowly claps

"Yes. I told you that you could help" he smiles and pats my leg, "This is why I love her Scooter, this is why" He says and begins pressing random buttons again

"She's definitely talented" Scooter agrees

"Ok so help me think of lyrics, since you're so good at writing" Justin hands me his pencil

"Well it's your song, I can help you think of ideas but they need to come from you" I say and continue strumming the ukulele in my lap

"Hello" Scooter says and holds his phone up to his ear, "Yeah"

"Justin come see me outside real quick" Scooter waves Justin to follow him out into the hallway

Justin rises from his chair and follows Scooter

I check my phone to see if Frankie has texted me. He has. Of course

[Frankie - 8:42pm]
What do you mean you're not committing to him??

[Ariana - 8:49pm]
I mean, I'm not committing to him...

[Frankie - 8:51pm]
Why not??

[Ariana - 8:51pm]
Bc you know how I feel about celebrities, especially him

[Frankie - 8:52pm]
Ok so you're telling me you don't see a possible relationship with him?

[Ariana - 8:53pm]

[Frankie - 8:53pm]

[Ariana - 8:53pm]
Maybe I kind of like him

[Frankie - 8:54pm]

[Ariana - 8:56pm]
Yeah yeah. It's just difficult and hard to explain

[Frankie - 8:57pm]
But you said that he has feelings for you...

[Frankie - 8:58pm]
And if you have feelings for him...

[Frankie - 8:58pm]
What's the issue?

[Ariana - 8:59pm]
The issue is literally everybody else on this earth

[Ariana - 8:59pm]
I don't like to be in the spotlight

[Frankie - 9:03pm]
You're a performer, you love the spotlight

[Frankie - 9:03pm]
You always have

[Ariana - 9:04pm]
Yeah but that's a different spotlight. With Justin the spotlight would be surrounded by drama and arguing

[Frankie - 9:05pm]
Yeah I guess that's true

[Frankie - 9:06pm]
But you can't pass up an opportunity like this girl

[Ariana - 9:09pm]
That's what everyone is telling me

[Frankie - 9:14pm]
And you'd think you'd listen...but nooo

[Ariana - 9:18pm]
Whatever. Just get your ass over here to LA. I miss you

[Frankie - 9:21pm]
Will do. Now you go get that boy

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

ok wow sorry this chapter was such shit but for some reason you guys keep reading it ??? so I keep going. like I started posting this as like a joke with no actual story or plot and I didn't expect it to get fucking 13k like damn papì. anyways ive been working on another story that im actually putting effort into so maybe you guys will like that one too🤷‍♀️

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