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Sitting down on the firm wooden chair, I clear my throat, scooting my chair so that it is closer to the table. Justin sits before me, just on the opposing side of the round and also wooden table. There is a brief, yet eerie, moment of silence where Justin and I stare at each other, other people roam around the dimly lit coffee shop like normal and do not pay us any attention. No one is approaching Justin, asking for pictures, or asking us questions. It seems to just be us in this world for once.

"I love you, Ariana" Justin says with a cracked voice, he quickly clears his throat afterwards and tries again. "I-I do. I will do anything to make this up to you. I just need you to accept me" he frowns and looks through me with his puppy-like eyes.

"Justin, I do accept you. I have always accepted you, you just don't treat me the way I should be treated." I respond, not in a negative way, but in a way that calmly gets my message across.

"How do you want me to treat you?" Justin asks, licking his pink pouting lips.

"Like I'm the only girl in the world. We're meant to be together Justin, it's so obvious, why can't we just accept that?"

"I do accept it, Ariana. You don't. Why can't you?"

"I don't know. I'm just scared," I admit, "I'm afraid you'll hurt me. I'm afraid I'll get distracted from my own life and you'll leave me one day, then I'll be alone and left with nothing."

"Ariana, I would never...ever dream of leaving you. Okay, I fucking love you, Ariana!" Justin's voice grows louder with each sentence. "I will shout it from the rooftops, I won't stop until the whole world knows that my heart is the property of Ariana Grande!" Justin abruptly stands to his feet, causing a few people to glance over.

"Justin, sit down, please" I whisper

"No. I love you! I want you to be mine, I want to be yours. Please, Ariana!" Justin begs me, "I will never stop loving you, look at me, I'm a mess! I'm screaming in the middle of a Starbucks!" Justin motions to his surroundings and to the people that watch us. Some of the other customers have pulled out their phones and begun recording him and me. My face flushes red and my heart beats incredibly fast

"Justin, really, please stop" I whisper again, I grab his hand to try and lead him back into his seat

"Ariana." Justin states firmly

"Yes?" I sigh

Justin walks over to my side of the table and stares me down, not with piercing eyes, but with deep eyes. Eyes that have a strong lust in them, a lust for something more than a sexual pleasure, but for love.

"Ariana Grande, will you marry me?" Justin asks and drops to one knee. My heart sinks to my stomach and I see everyone in the restaurant is now watching us.

"Wh-what? J-Justin please don't-"

"Will you?" Justin interrupts me

"I-...Justin I-" I stammer and look around at the people who stare, waiting for me to slap him or kiss him. "Justin we are in the middle of an argument. You can't just ask me to marry you." I whisper to him

"Why not? I know you love me, and you know I love you...why can't we be together?"

"Because, Justin, you're bad for me...I'm bad for myself, there's no way I need anymore distraction-"

A loud banging noise pulls my attention away, I blink hard a few times and inhale sharply. My bedroom door swings open and Alexa waltzes in with a large smile touching each of her ears. "Hey, girlie!" She falls onto my bed

"Hi" I say with a noticeable lack of emotion, upset that she has disrupted my daydreaming.

"What's up? You've been in your room for hours" Alexa props her head up with her elbow so she can see me, I swivel back and forth in my desk chair and play with the loose strings on my ripped jeans.

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