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"Can Ariana and I talk in private?" Justin asks Alexa uncomfortably

"No" I answer for her and give Justin a blank stare

"I think you guys should hash this out privately" Alexa says awkwardly, "I'm going to go get a shower" she says and vanishes upstairs, I sigh and look back to Justin and his bodyguard

"You can make yourself at home" I say to his bodyguard, "You don't have to stay right here if you don't want to" I add

He gets up and goes into the next room so he can still have an ear out for us

"Say what you're dying to tell me, because it's almost eleven and I'm tired"

"Ok" he says hesitantly and looks around

"Actually, no." I stop him, "Tell me how you found my address" I ask him and narrow my eyes

"I looked on your Instagram and saw the location on a selfie" he says as if it's nothing

"Oh ok, so you're a stalker" I huff

"Well you wouldn't have given me your address if I had asked" he huffs back and tosses his hands in the air

"Whatever. Just tell me what you have to say so I can go to bed" I roll my eyes

"I'm just confused about why you're mad at me..." He clasps his hands together and looks at me

"You're confused?" I ask

He nods his head

"Okay, well, for starters, I'm mad because of your attitude" I say and he rubs his face in frustration

"You've got this big ego that's telling you that you can do whatever you want because your beliebers will defend you no matter what. But that's no longer the case"

"Second, I am very upset that you decided to bash Selena publicly-"

"She did it first!" He whines

"You're not a child Justin, stop acting like one. And don't interrupt me" I hiss

"If you have this idea that you're a big man, then act like it. Right now you're acting like a spoiled rich kid who's had his life handed to him on a silver platter because he's got a pretty face and a decent voice"

"That's why I'm mad at you" I add as a silence fills the room

"Can I speak now?" He asks with a little attitude that I choose to ignore

"Please" I lean back in my chair and cross my legs

"I said what I said about Sofia because she was getting unnecessary hate. All she did was hold my hand and hang out with me, then everyone thought she was my new hoe or something" he pouts

"I was fed up with them, all my fans ever do is hate on the people that I'm friends with. They're so rude and disrespectful"

"Ok, well, they wouldn't hate on them if you showed them some attention" I say

"What does that even mean?"

"What does it mean? It means pay your fans some goddamn overdue attention" I hiss, "These kids have spent thousands of dollars on your shitty ass concerts and merch and whatever the hell else you promote"

"I would pay them attention if they gave me some respect" he spits back at me

"You want respect?" I raise my voice over his, "You have to give in order to receive. Respect isn't a one-way street, dumbass. Do you not remember your bizzle phase? The entire world hated you. They did nothing but talk shit about you"

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