The move

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First off her name is ayedryan and she fall inlove wit yous truly roc royal. They do have some issues.Damn nigga just read it.

Ayedryan Pov

My mom put the last of our bags in the car.I was so tired of moving.this was our fifth time within the last three years.Damn this time could at least be perminate.My mom is Dineace Diane Foster(Made Up Celeberty) so we had to move a lot guess I gotta get used to it.

Mom:" Ayedryan Lyanna Foster" Damn. Wth she gotta say my full name. Hate when she do. I walked out the house and took a pic with my house behind me and posted it on IG. "Baby girl I kno you gonna miss this place but this may just be our last move."

Me:"I don't believe you mom. How can I"

Mom:" Baby now ain't the time just get in" We were movin to LA from Tennasee. We drove to the airport to get on our private jet. Yea she was quiet while we was on the way but we got on that jet her ass would not stop talkin.Just one thing she said tho. That shit threw me off "And who knows maybe this time you have real friends and maybe even a cute lil boy friend"

Me: I looked away but started smilin. You kno I need some clothes." Ma cab I go shooing when we land?"

Mom:"yea of course but I'm coming too"

Me:"but ma the fans "

Mom:" Yea I kno that's y I'm comin

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