Us Time;) (Rated R)

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If you have not read wht now? You need to . Becuz the first will make np since wht so ever!well it will. But just go read the last chapter if you haven't already! Thanks


A few weeks later

Ayedryan POV

The kids are at Cam's house. Because me and Roc havent had time to our selves with no stress or any thing to do for a while. Which isn't going to well so far . We ve been arguing lately. I don't even know why. Roc says it's becuz were not spending as much time with eachother as we should . So he planed a trio to the Bahamas for two weeks .. Were packing now. But I can't find anything I want to I just packed a bunch of sundresses and other cute colthes. and bathing suits from my collection Tyra(banks) Sent me. Zipping up my suit case when I feel lips on the back of my neck

Me: wht ?

Roc: 'Member when we promised eachother we'd never argue again?

Me:Chresanto we were like 16 we didn't know what we were saying

Roc: but a promise is a promise baby. No matter if u mean it or not. You and I both said I promise.

Me: where are you getting at?

Roc: it's pointless. Arguing is pointless. I don't believe in deforces. Nor separation. So whatever it is were arguing about we need to fix it.

Me: agreed .

Roc: great. Now finish packing so we dont miss our flight.

Me: were flying first class they have no choice but to wait on us.

Roc: your I love you so much . Words cant describe how I feel.

Me: I love you too.

Roc: oh yeah? Well prove it to me. This two weeks no arguing no attitude no kids. Nothing but us and sweet love making . Think of this as the honey moon we never had.

Me: hahahahaha "sweet love making" Roc? When did you Become Charlie Wilson ?

Roc: haha I'm serious we can't just havesex" we have to ( grinds on me while saying-) make love to eachother ahah

Me: Ahahahahahahahaaa ! You got issues haha!

Roc: Mami I'm so serious (speaking in Latilian accent; pulls me back on to him by my waist ) I want to hit it every night yeah?

Me: hahahahahah

Roc: hahaha ok now I'm just tryna make you laugh but I was serious. No kids no attitude no arguing and nosex.I forgot that one. .... Just me you and sweet love making . Ok?

Me: you do realize that love making in stillsex right?

Roc: it's not justsex baby. It's sweet and passionate . You put your feelings into it. You have to clear your mind . And think of nothing but me.

Me: you sound gay. I mean I could see if that was coming from Prince cuz he all about peace and shit. But you . No.

Roc: that's wht I'm saying tho. It has to be sweet and soft. Not rough and tough. ... It's 1:00 babe we gotta go . Our flight leaves at 1:45

Me: alright alright. Just let me grab my laptop.

Roc: hurry love.

Me: love?

Roc: yea your my love. I told you sweet. Would you just hurry.

Me: gosh, ok.

Roc: I'm waiting in the car( grabs our suitcases) I love you.

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