Is it my fault

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Holy fuck. Ayedryan just passed out. I hope it wasn't because of me. Did I put too much pressure on her.Man I don't know what to fuckin do. I'll do any thing to keep Ayedryan byy side. I just need to see her. I textedthe boys they say they on the way.when they walked I'n the door I didn't know what say.

Prod:Roc what's wrong what happen

Prince: who is mrs thang sittin beside you

Me:(talkin to prod and ignoring Prince) man Ayedryan passed out. And Ion kno what to do we been sittin here for almost an hour and we still ain'theard none

Ray Ray walked in the door lookin sleepy af. His braids unravelled at the end and he had no shirt on like tf (NoHomo)

Ray:Nigga do u have any clue what ti-(gco)

Prod:Nigga where yo shirt

Prince: Ray Ray Ayedryan passed-(gco)

Ray:(starts tearing up) why the he'll you aint just say dat

Prince:nigga calm yo ass down she fuckin fainted chill the fuck out (he was getting mad )

I just sat there starin up at them scream at eachother.these niggas crazy. It kinda mad me chuckle but when I looked over,Ms.Foster was laughing with her hands over her face.Some lady walked in....

Nurse:Ayedryan Foster

Me&her mom:(jumped up at the same time) US

Nurse:right this way

We followed to whereAyedryan was.her mom walked in first. I just couldn't do it o had to collect myself. So I just stood out side the door until I could go in.I don't kno why I was sp scared to go in there. Dineace walked out after only a few seconds she had a huge smile on her face.

Dineace: Chres,if you don't get yo high yells self in there.she say you all she wanna see.(whispers to her self)be safe and use protection

Me:(chuckled pretending not to hear her) I'm not that light skinned ms.foster

Dineace:Yea I know child I'm just jokin and call me ma it's fine but for now get yo behind in there

I walked in the room and stood in the door way. She didnt notice me at first but when she did her face lit up and her arms flew out for a hug

Ayedryan:Bab-ie(screams with excitement)

Me:(walks over to her and hugs her tight)

Ayedryan:hug me tighter

Me:(hugs her tighter) I love you Ayedryan Lyana Foster

Ayedryan:And you Chresanto August I love you way more

Me: that's not possible ( kisses her cheek)

Ayedryan:no not there

Me:so where(pretending not to kno what she was talkin bout )

Ayedryan:(pulls his face to hers and there lips almost touch)here

Me:ok (kisses her passionately )

Ayedryan:(kisses back )

The door opens and the doctor,"ma",and the boys walked in. All of them stared and started laughing.we was still kissing but when we heard them laugh and looked up at them.

Mom:ok ok enough of dat

Doc: ok so she was just really dehydrated and when she fell she hit het head on concrete and it gave her a slight cuncusion but she is all fine now she should be able to go home in an hour or so

RayRay:oh god thank you

Ayedryan:were you crying

Ray:(wiping his face)n-no I mean you is my best friend wat was I supose to do

Ayedryan:aww dats sweet but you not my best friend your a bestfriend of mine but youre not "my"best friend (smiles and looks at me)Roc is

Me:oh really(leans over and kisses her cheek)

Ayedryan: prod ma prince.what no hey no hug no none dang I thought y'all love me

Mom,prod,prince:(walk over and give her a hug)

Mom:oh hey baby

Prod:what's up Aj

Prince:hey Ana.besides we would have gave you a hug but you was all up under Roc so(starts laughing)

Me: shut up she was all up under me

Ayedryan:hah yea I was and you kno it

Me:yea yea yea what eva

Doc: okay I just checked you out you cab go any time you need

Me:but I thought you said hour

Ayedryan:(looks at me funny)

Doc: haha no I saw how much she missed you guys and went ahead and checked her out you free to go .






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