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Damn she gorges. Smart. And got a body plus she fan. I wanna be wit her For real.

So we walk in Chick-fil-la and sat down it was only us at the table. The boys were behind us at a different table. Then omg Dineace Diane walks in the door and walks to our table WTF.


Ok. Great my mom just walked in. I wish you could see the look on his face. It was cute but over my mom really

She walked up to me Mom:"Hi Sweety.Oh and I see you made some new friends.Ohh and this ones a little cutie too"(pinching his cheek) Gosh I Hate when she do that

I flashed her an annoyed look

Me:"Mom Really"

Mom:"Wha-at. I was only telling the truth but don't take it to heart RocRoyal. It was just a complement. Haha I'm joking I could totally see you two together."

Chres:Haha wait how do you know my-

Mom:"Oh please boy.She is totally how do you say that oh yea team mindless

Chres:(smirks and looks over at me) Oh really now

Mom:yea can't u tell I mean look at her -

Me:Mom please.(so embarrassing just leave - mumbles)

Chres:Hah Yea i think she wants you to go

Mom:(glances at me) Alright alright. Im leaving. (Walks out back to her fans )

Me:Exuse her she loves embarrassing me

Chres:No it's fine. Your mom is funny and beautiful. I see where you get it from(leaning over to kiss my cheek. I turned my head so that our lips touched. He relized eat I did and started kissing me passionately. I almost forgot where I was until..

??:No PDA in chick-fil-a.Hey that rhymes I should be a comedian(walks off)

Ray: Yea Roc. No PDA

Chres:Yea says the nigga wit a blonde on his lap nigga stfu

Blonde:( kisses rays nose) you're so cute

Ray:(rubbing her back) no you're cuter

Chres: you know what let's go (grabs my hand and we start walkin out of chick-fil-la)

He put a 20$ on the table before we left.

Prod: bye Roc and mistress


We go in the car so I could take her home. I really didn't want to though. I just wanted to hold her in my arms and kiss her til our lips crack.

Me:So Ayedryan wh-(gco)

Ayedryan: See look Chres. My friends call me Aj or Ana. Which ever you prefer I'm chill

Me: Aj or Ana. Hmm where you get those.

Ayedryan: Aj Irdk but Ana because of my middle name. Lyana.

Me:Ok then Aj. Where you live so I can take you home

Ayedryan:(pouty face/baby voice) do you to take me home

Me: you don't wanna go home(smirks)

Ayedryan: (grabs his hand and smirks)no and I'm sure you don't wanna take me either now do you

Me:(leans over and kisses her passionetly)

Ayedryan:(kisses back and gently bites his bottom lip)

Love Matters(Roc Royal)Where stories live. Discover now