A knock at the door

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That lik mofo Ray. I swear when I see that nigga he goin down. How you gone tell her that I like and I bet Roc prolly hate me cuz I be flirtin with his girl. You kno I should just go over and exlain every thing to her yea that what Ill do. I went to the door and right when I touched the handle some body knocked I opened the door and there stood a dude that looked just like Ayedryan no lie

???: Eli(shook hands)

Me:Craig. What you want bruh

Eli:I was wondering where I could fine this girl( holds up a picture of Ayedryan that he printed off fb)

Me: uhh yea she wit my boy santo who is you

Eli: look you may not believe me but I'm her ..... Friend

Me: y'all look just alike you sure y'all not related

Eli: look bruh can you just take me to her. I proise I ain't gone do nun ight

Me: mmm let me call her see if she kno who you is

Eli: Naw bruh I want it to be a surprise

Me: well alright I was on my way over there any way

We pulled up to the house. And I just wanted to kno who dis nigga was like fr how you gone cone to my houseand ask foe my bestfriend. We went to the door and he knocked

So she would see his face first she opened the door and was shocked

Ana:holy fuck when..? What? H-how ?

Eli: hey....( he said in a low excited but nervous tone)

Ana: Eli ? How?what?when

Eli: well see I seen Trey post that he was comin to see you a couple weeks back and I was like damn I missed her so I gotta see her and dis kid posted a pic with youbhim and some others at the beach and I found you on fb instagram and twitter

Ana: omfg I though you were......

Eli: Naw I got away from him before he could do any thing to me

Ana: omg I

Eli: I missed you too

Me: yo what the he'll are y'all niggas talkin through y'all mind or sum shit like you just answering all her questions and she not even askin none

Ana&Eli:were twins we think alike

Me: oh Ok

Ana&Eli: yea no ding dong dip thong

Me: look y'all niggas gone have to stop and where the he'll dis cone from

Ana&Eli:(ana-he Eli-she) he/she use to say it when we were lil

Me:um ok y'all niggas creepin me tf out where's Roc .... Roc nigga get yo ass out here

Roc :(comes down stairs in nothing but a towel brushing his hair) yes

Ana&Eli: nigga where yo clothes

Roc: shut up baby you kno you like it and aye nigga who is you

Eli:damn sis you ain't told no body bout me (hugging her) this is my twin and I'm older by 5min

Roc: twin? Baby I thought you only had one brother

Ana: y'all it's hawt out here cone in and I'll explain

We all went inside. Ayedryan and Eli sat beside eachother on the couch. That look and sit just alike. Both of them had one leg up and one stretched out.

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