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Damn man shit was just gettin good. I needa girl man. I m tired of being lonely. But being single is a plus too. Cuz I ain't gotta worry bout that bull shit.


Damn Jurnie was looking good. She had on a purple bikini. With princess on the right boob written in pink with a White highlighting around it. And purple and pink Sophie shorts on.I think she was talking to me. I was honestly destracted.

Jay: nigga. Can't u hear me talkin to you

Me:uh huh. Yeah I hear you

Jay:I thought you were listening but I guess not(states walkin away)

Me:wait Jurnie(grabs her arm) I was I mean I am listening. I was just distracted by your beauty

Jay: please look beside you cuz nigga you thirsty and there is an ocean of water right there (pointing to the water)

Me: haha you got jokes

Jay:haha yea I do.... But I was serious

Me : ok. Um I m not sure wat tht's suppose to mean

Jay:you r slow hah

We laughed on the beach for like thirty minuets then prod called and said it was time to go. Roc didnt want to ride home alone so Jurnie and cam rode with him when we got back to Ayedryan's house roc ran upstairs and slammed the door. I ain't kno if he was crying or just upset. So I went upstairs to check on him.


Me: Roc it's prince


Me: come on Roc u gotta talk to some body

Roc:yea ayedyan

Me: look nigga I spread the peace but I ain't wit all this crying shit if u crying u can talk to one of the girls

Roc:prince get you curly haired spread the peace ass I'n here anint no body crying

Me:(open the door and the room was a mess)damn man we been here for like thirty minuets how the fuck u have time to do this to the poor girl room

Roc: (Turned around with a blunt in his hand) man she ain't answering none of my calls

Me:nigga idgaf if she answering yo calls or not whn tf you start smoking nigga put tht shit out

Roc: it helps with pain and i opened the window so stfu ( throwing the blunt out the window after taking three more puffs )

Me: pain? Nigga WTF . Y the hell u got pain. You with the most beautiful girl tht u can have. She faithful and she fucking loves u. Tf u mean by pain

Roc: man she don't love me she love trey u see how fucking excited she get whn she talk to him. And whn she got off the phone with him my hand was on her thie and she was fucking wet after talking to him

Me: nigga stfu u ain't makin no sense trey is her fuckin brother of course she loves him but bro she will do anything for you.she was prolly wet cuz yo hand was on her thie and you kno that's her spot. O and remember she told us about her junior year whn she loved tht boy so much but he kept beggin her to fuck and it made her start to feellike he ain't want her but she willingly gave YOU her virginity with in four fuckin weeks and tht dude was begin for a year and she ain't easy but she dont

Love u really nigga u must be high as hell right now you really need to clear yo fucking mind and talk to her now ( I walked out leaving him thinking )


Man prince was right I was high as hell but he was also right because I needed to calm down and talk to Ayedryan. I guess I'll call but I pray she answer.

Here goes nothing I picked up my phone and dialed her number after three rings she answered


Ana: yes?

Me: baby? You answered

Ana: ok now what do you want

Me: baby r u ok

Ana: no Princeton just called and told me I need to come home becuase you r really upset. Roc what is wrong

Me: baby just letme explain. I'm really sorry for just assuming tht u and trey was a thing. I kno he is your brother... Now? And I realised that u missed him. Just please come home so I can actually tell u every thing.

Ana: I'm on my way. But really u need to calm down before u do something you'll regret

Me: all right just promise me you'll come home and never leave me again

Ana: I make no promises

Me: ok whatever just come home

Ana:ok I'm on my way

Me: ok baby loveyou

Ana: bye Roc

Wat was tht. "Bye Roc " shir it sounds like she is gonna leave me. Damn man. I cant looses

My baby


DAMN. What the fuqq is up with roc he knows I love him. Y he sound like hebeen.

Me: trey you gotta take me home. My baby is hurting bad

Trey:fine I'll take you

We drove back to my house. I tried to get out but he grabbed. Arm tuned my face to wards him and kissed me deeply. WTF he is

My bro and a really good kisser. But I didn't kiss back instead I pulled back

Me: trey WTF u ry brother what the fuck r you thinking

Soo what's gonna happen

Rate vote comment love you oh and I'm writing two stories right now thts y it's takingme forever to update.

But I love u guys

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