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I got out the hospital last night and Chres laid me in the bed and laid beside me the things that he said were so sweet.



Chres: (gets out and walks to my side and gets me out) Come on let's get you some rest

Me: Chres please don't leave me(wraps arms around his neck and he picks her up)

Chres:I won't leave you Ana I promise

We walked into the house and he sat down on the couch with me in his lap. I restmy head on his shoulder. After a few minuets I'm guess he thought I was sleep because he got up and started walking up stairs. We went into my room and he laid me on my bed got in with his arms tight around my waist my mom had already told him that he could stay as long as nothing happens.

Chres: Ayedryan Foster. I love you soooo much. When you said yes to be my girl I'm not gonna lie I almost cried with happiness. Youre so beautiful. Every thing about you is just so perfect.I love you Ayedryan. You know what better I'm in love with you.I kno it's only been a few weeks but you are my world. You are my every thing.( kissed my neck gentaly trying not to wake me)

I tried so hard not to respond but I just couldnt help my self any more Me:(started tearing up) Aww Chres that is so sweet.(turns so they are facing)

Chres: (embarrassed) what you're awake.Um Uh what all did you hear?

Me:All of it and I've been awake since we got home. I was"sleep" because I really love the feeling of you holding me.

Chres:Oh man I'm so embarrassed I knew I should-(gco)

Me:Y that's was so sweet and Chresanto August you are more than my world yo are my universe. You are the most sweetest angel that's ever came across my path. Oh and that smile. That smile just does something to me on the inside. I'm way more in love with you than you love yourself. And you abiously love your self alot. But I love you more(kisses his lips and then his cheek and back to his lips)




Oh shit I forgot I'm suppose to go get Camiya from the air port.God I miss her i ain't seen her since 8th grade got a text from showin that she miss me too.


Where the f'nuck is you I been out here fo like an hour

Me: we Comin nigga


I had to get ready which would take me most likely fifteen minuets ten to do my hair and five to do my make up should I get Chres up now or what.

I rolled out of bed and put a pillow under his arms. Put my outfit at the edge of the bed did my hygiene stuff and hoped in the shower. When I got out I realized I left my clothes. So I took the towel ,sealed it around my boobs and walked into the room. I stood at the mirror doing my make up. I didn't realize Chres was up or that my towel fell. I just stood there naked.Didn't even notice.

Chres: umm Ayedryan.

Me:(turns around and flashes him completely)Oh hi your awake.huh omg my towel.(bent down to pick it up and wraps it back around her)

Chres:that was umm-(gco)

Me: oh shut up u know u liked it

Chres:damn girl you gotta body Uh I mean hell yea i mean shit,it's uh fine

Me: haha. You curse a lot when you get turned on.that funny

Chres:uh any ways where are we going.

Me: (noticed he was dressed and then looked at the buldge inhis pants) to the airport to get my bestie remember. Do you need some help with that(walking seductively over to hi

Chres: I could use some only if you're ready to help me (sexy voice)

Me:(climbs on top of himand sucks on his neck)I'm so ready I can help you all day if you want

Chres:wait stop you're on your period or about to start it

Me:what is that suppose to mean

Chres:you r just really horny

Me:it starts sometime this week but when I'm off you can have me I'm serous

Chres:yea we'll see





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