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RECAP:Eli and Ayedryan are reconnected and they tell the others how they got split in the first place. Roc feels bad for Ayedryan and wants to make it up by a board walk.




Me: Roc stop it tickles ( laughing impusivley) ro-ha-oc sto-op

Roc: nope you need to be taught a lesson( tickling hard)

Me: hahaha you gonna MA-hake me pee h-on my se-helf

Roc: well you'll see how I felt this morning so pee away

Me: ok I'm sorry you -you I'm so sorry!!

Roc: alright(let's her up and kisses her cheek)now come on you gotta get ready and will ask the others if theyre going too

Me: Ok

Roc: alright babe ima get in the shower love you(walks out)

Me: alright love you too

Ok you know what Ive learned my lesson. Never take a thirty minute shower whn you strong ass boy friend has to pee and all the other bathrooms are taken. That shit hurt. My stomach feels like there is a sphere going thru it. But any ways I'm happy to have my brother back. No there is no more brothers of mine. And yes I'm the only girl but I happen to like it.

Eli: (yelling from down stairs)no body asking you those questions Dryan

Me:(Yellin back) Eli stop listening to me think damn it

Eli:it's a twin thing you kno I can't help it and I kno u listen to me think all the since I'm here you even did when we were little

Me: well since you listening get up her so I can talk to u instead of yelling

Eli:ok I'm coming

Oh my goodness why doesthat boy always do that. But any ways tonight Roc is taking me on the board walk. And it's about to get dark so yay it'll be pretty. But I honestly don't see y Roc feels so badge did have abad life I mean cmon his parents are gone. So he shouldn't feel bad for me.

Eli:(interrupting my thoughts) sup sis what u wanna talk about

Me: oh Me and Roc are going on the board walk do u guys wanna come and what should I wear

Eli: of couse I'll go and after I ask every body else I'll come help u ok

Me: hey will u bring me my favorite sandwich

Eli: alright

A few minutes later. Eli walked in with a half eaten Blt in his hands and a big ass smile on his face. This nigga is eaten my sandwich

Me: no you didn't make my sandwich and eat it

Eli: oh yea I was wondering why I had a sandwich in my hand in the first place you kno I have a short memory

Me: really Eli?

Eli: yea you right I just got hungry

Me: so is every body going

Eli: yes well I'm not sure about Jurnie and prince bc when I asked them they just looked at me and started kissing again

Me: so I'm guessing that's ayea

Roc: (comes out the bathroom in a towel ps. There is a bathroom in my room) wht y'all talkin bout

Eli: nigga ain't you clothes(covering his eyes and takes a bite if his sandwhich)

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