He is yo what

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We was all at the beach just laughing and havein a good time. I was in the water with my baby. She was on my back when walked into the ocean. She was extremely happy ever since she talked to that Trey nigga. I was not bout to loose my girl to some new nigga.I had to do every thing I could to make sur she ain't leave me. I took a hand full of water and splashed her in the face.

Ayedryan:ahh babe you gettin me wet

Me: haha I can get u wetter

Ayedryan: ahaha babe you so nasty

Me:haha. So uhh who trey

Ayedryan:Mmmm idk

Me: didn't seem like that in car(high pitch voice)" OMG TREYY"

Ayedryan: oh is some one jealous

Me: I'm NOT jealous

Ayedryan: hah r so

Me: no I'm n-(gco)

Prod:Hey Ana yo phone is ringing.

Ayedryan:( runs out the water) oh babe it's trey I gota take it



So me and roc were in the water playin and he brought up trey. He was so jealous fo no reason. It was hilarious but cute at the same time. Then my phone rang "no new friends no new friends no new friends no no new stay down from day one" it was trey

Me:(run out the water)oh babe it's trey I gota take it



Me: hey trey

Trey: wats up lil mama where u at I wanna see my baby girl

Me: at the beach where you

Trey: I'm like five minuets away I really wanna see you so I'm on my way ight

Me: ok see then

Trey: okay baby I love you

Me:love you too


Roc ran up to me. Damn he looked mad af.

Roc:(walks up and lays down I'n the sand with is back facing me)

Me:um hii

Prod: damn Ana dats cold you get done sayn Ily to some nigga then try and talk to my boy dats messd up

Ray: mmm. No drama less go Miya (he and Camiya get up and walk away.)

Prince:hey Uh Jurnie can I talk to you for a min

Jay: uhh yea why not. Prod you should come

Prod:Uh huh I like drama

Prince: prodigy get yo ass up and come on

They all left. And I tried talkin to Roc. But he ignored me. What the heck is wrong with him.



Me: would you please talk to me


Me: what the hell did do


Me: well I love you I hope you kno that

Roc: oh you mean the way you love trey huh

Me: excuse me.

Roc:yea I see the way your face lights when you talk to him as if he was me.

Me: wait what. No no no boo you got it twisted. Me and trey have a relationship that no one could break. I've loved him all my life. He has been there for me when my mom always had lines to design. I love my brother with all my heart and fuck u and who eva else wanna get between me and him

Roc: no baby listen please

Me: no I'll talk to you later I need to see my brother y'all can leave I'll cone home later.

Roc: baby just please(grabs my arm

Me:no( yanks arm away)

I had to let off mad steam. If I stayed with Roc I was gonn hurt

him. No body disrespects my brother. I was walkin for about three minuets. Then I bumped into some body

Me: I'm so sorry

Trey: Ayedryan?

Me:(look up and jump in his arms while wrapping your legs around him) TREYY

Trey: hey baby. Wats wrong

Me:nothing just some bull shit

Trey: Naw who messin wit my lil sister. I swear to god Ayedryan I will fuckin kill somebody ovr you

Me:no it's just my boyfriend he just trippen

Trey: Ayedryan don't play. What did he do.

Me: man you know I get hot when people disrespect my family.

Trey: haha ohhh (punches my arm playfully) still that over protective lil sister I see

Me: I missed you bro

Trey: I missed you to baby girl

We just walked and talked from then on. God I missed my bro


SHIT I FUCKED UP BAD. She was pretty heated. Idk wat to do.


Damn I missed my lil sister. I can't wait to catch up with her. And I kno she my sister but. Ayedryan done got fine. Smart and even more protective. God I love my lil sister.


SOo wat u think.

What's gonna happen to Roc and Ayedryan

Is Trey getting feelings for his younger sister.





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