Wait what??

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Recap:Roc and Ayedryan fixed everything . everybody else is at Ayedryan's house and they are at the beach. Jurnie is only a couple months preggo . Let's just say six okay?

Ayedryan POV

We made our way to the beach . When we got there we saw no people at all. I smiled at the thought of us being together alone on the beach. Roc came over to me and lifted me out the car bridal style. He walked out the parking lot onto the actual beach and put me down . I was afraid to get stuck so I took my heels of and held them in my hand. Ric put his arm around me and I hugged his waist.

Roc: Baby I'm sorry

Me: Roc let's not get into that right now. You said sorry yesterday and I do believe I forgave you already

Roc: But-

Me: just hush and enjoy this

I stuck my hand down his pants and got extremely hardand stopped. I told him to keep walking as I rotated my hand around his thickness. I moved my hand up and down. Not o long after I felt a warm liquid ooze on to my hand. Gross! I looked at him disgusted and he started laughing

Roc: don't look at me like that no body told you to put yo hands down my pants

Me: Roc that's gross( pulled hand out)

Roc: you should taste it

Me: Ewww no!

I walked over to the water and let it wash off. Then returned to him . He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. I kissed his back and we continued walking.

Roc: I love you Ayedryan

Me: I love you too Chresanto

Roc: I will never let any thing like that come over me I really hate that

Me: Roc do not go-

My phone rang beat by mj . Prince. I answered and he seemed worried like crazy.

Me: prince slow down I can't understand what your saying

Prince: my baby is about to have her baby

Me: what do you mean

Prince: jay just went in labor and there is blood I think she is having a miscarriage hurry.(hangs up)

Me: omg Roc we gotta go Jay is in labor and she is bleeding

We rushed to the hospital as fast as we could . The others were just getting there . She was in tears and screaming . Prince wad holding her hand also in tears. Man why they stressing the baby is gonna make it. I hope! The doctor said she was giving birth to a premature baby. We all went in her room and kept her calm until the doc came on all the boys except for prince had to leave. After and our of screaming and pushing prince cut the cords, and the doctor handed Jurnie a baby boy and prince a baby girl.

Me: omg y'all had twins

Doc: actually triplets but we were not able to save your other baby girl were so sorry .

Cam: damn prince you put in work.

Prince: I know right atleast we still got two right babe....babe.... Jurnie

Jay:(sleep with the baby in her hands sleeping too)

Prince: aww my poor baby

Doc: but there is good news to your accident . Your babies are actually fully mature . Every thing was developed and the both of them were ready to come out. But she had a miscarriage becuase these two were holding hands and the other baby's cord was in there hands and when they were ready to come out they squeezed amd cut the baby's breathing supply .

Cam: man just shut up he falling in love with his baby girl He ain't listening to you

I took the baby from jay and she instantly woke up . And just stared at me weirdo . This baby looks so beautiful . His eyes are a mix of brown and grey so pretty. He has curly hair just like Prince awwwww.

Me: what's his name

Jay:Jacob jerimyah Perez

Me: awwww and the baby girl

Jay: Ariyah Jonelle Perez

Prince: when did you come up with these names

Jay; yesterday when you were rubbing my feet

Cam: man she about to be a daddy's girl prince let me hold her

Prince: Naw this my baby

Doc: can I call your friends in now

Jay : yeah

Roc came in first followed by prod Ray Jacob Eli and Chelsea.. We all ohhed and awed for the first few minuets . It came time for prince to sign the birth certificate . And time for the babies and Jurnie to rest . They had to stay so prince stayed with them . And the rest of us went home. Eli rode with us. Jacob went with Ray and cam. . Right now us three are inbthe car and I'm singing along to Loyal with Eli staring at me. He talking-to me in my head but I'm responding out loud

My thoughts:

Eli: Roc wants a baby

Me: your so random( out loud)

Eli: I'm serious couldn't you tell by the way he was drooling over Ariyah . He wants his own baby girl

Me: yea I bet.

Eli: and you want a baby boy too don't you

Me: yea

Eli: I know you do sis

End of thoughts

Roc grabbed my hand and kissed it. The rest of the ride home was quiet. When Eli got out the car Roc and I both stayed. I guess we had the same idea the . We got in the back seat just to talk . I was cuddled up under his arm . I felt a tear drop on my hand .

Me: babe are you crying

Roc: no you are. What's wrong and why were you talking to your self.

Me: I didnt even know I was crying( tears pouring down)

Roc: Ayedryan what's wrong baby

Baby. Baby. Baby. That's why I want a baby but why am I crying . I'm too youg to have ababy right now. And i promised jay I would help take care of her babies . But I really do want s baby now. I seen how happy prince was and I wandered would Roc be the same.

Roc: Baby talk to me

Me: Roc please quit saying that word

Roc: what Baby?

Me: Roc stop it

Roc: ohhh you want a-

Me: don't you dare say it

Roc: it's all good . Cuz after held Ariyah I just knew I want a girl . But you haveyour whole life ahead of you and I don't want to ruin it with a child . I'm sorry

Me: would you quit that

Roc: what I do

Me: you said exactly what I was thinking. Like eww I do not need another twin

Roc: oh haha my bad

Me: but I have a deal for you. If we are still together in five years and have never cheated on each other we can have a baby. But you have to promise me something

Roc: what

Me: when I do have the baby you can not walk out on me we would be in this together . Promise?

Roc: swear!

We walked in the house where I seen Eli trailing upstairs with a sandwich in his hands. Wow. Me and Roc went upstairs and went to bed while talkin bout a baby. Damn

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