Beach day!!

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A/N: yes I kno what you thinking where princeton and prodigy. They comin don't worry I promise. I just need some ideas for them and it's kinda hard so yea. Bit I'll try in this chapter.

Okie dokie. Okay bye


Me and prod was just sittin down stairs. Waiting gor Roc and Ray to come. But all we heard was a whole bunch of laughing. They seemed happy. All of them was happy with each other. Damn I miss that. Me and Miranda Taylor broke up a month ago. I caught her wit diggy and he was supper to be my nigga. I just need somebody to hold love and talk to. But where tho. Man I don't kno. My thoughts were interrupted by ........

Ayedryan:hey prince and prod y'all wanna go to the beach.

She came down stairs. All by her self. I'm not gone lie she looked fine as hell when Roc wasn't round her waist like a belt. I got distracted and lost in a daze with her body. I honestly ain't hear no body talkin till.....

Prod:(snapping in front my face) NIGGA wat the hell

u starin at. She asked u a question.

Me: huh.... Uh wat yea

Prod : yea I'll go. But I gotta go get my stuff from the hotel room

Me: uh yea me too we be back at two thirty

Ayedryan: well it's 1;45 betta hurry up or we leavin y'all

Me: ight come on prod less go

Ray came flyin down stairs with Camiya on his back. He flew down there so fast he almost pushed Ayedryan off the stairs.

Ray: aye bro wait for us

Ayedryan: got dayum nigga kill me y don't you

Cam:(kicking ray in his butt) Nigga let me down I can walk

Ray: to bad so sad cmon less go

Prod: nigga would u calm down the beach ain't goin no where

Ray: shut up I just tryna get my swag on *ray ray funny voice*

Cam&prod: NIG-GA

Ray: you kno wat forget y'all (we all walked out the door)


We drove my black Ferrari. Me and prod was in the front seat. Camiya and ray was in the back. Camiya had her back on ray side wit ray arm around her. It was an awkward silence so I turned up the raido.

Cam:omg august Alsina and his sexy ass this is my song" man I luv this shit"

Ray,me&prod:(all just look at her &start laughing except for ray) wat the hell

Ray: oh so he sexy aight

Cam: nigga calm down trust me you sexy to just not Alsina sexy. Have you seen Him

Dat body tho

Ray:( quiet for the rest of the ride)



We got to the beach and roc, Aj and some other girl was already there. I was still mad at wat happened in the car with august Alsina and all dat. But besides me ignoring cam it was going well so far. Roc and Aj was in the water slpashin kissing and slpashin some more. Cam was up talkin to that girl that Aj brought and I was sittin with prince and prod. Just talkin

Prince: so erry thing ight wit you and cam

Me:i mean ain't nun wrong but i mean. Nun

Prod: ok besides all the sad news who is yo girl talkin to(looked up then looks away )

Prince: yea she look like she my type and I'm need(look up again and they were gone) aye where they go

?? : behind you and the names Jurnie

Prince:(stands up and turns around) I don't kno who u are but you are just beautiful

They started walkin and talkin and soon every body just went home cuz it was lik12:00


Okay so yea I left out juicy details but there is a reason.

So wat do you think is going to happen with cam and ray

Wat were Princeton and Jurnie talkin about

Wat did roc and Ana do while getting ready

Mmmm questinons


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