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Ayedryan POV

I was driving to fudgerudkers as I was listening to drake. I had Eli's jordans in tbe back. Even though they forgot my birthday.I sang along to the words of drake. Thinking about y I just broke up with Roc you know I'll just make it up to him and tell him I'm truly sorry.

Me: It's my birthday I get high if I want to can't deny that I want you but I lie if I have to even though we both know that you do you do. They won't treat you like I will my only wish is I die real......

What if this was all a trick what if they did remember my birthday. I'd be happy but upset with my self because o forgot my own birthday. But I pulled up and walked in.

All: surprise !!!!

Me: •.•

Roc: babe did you really think I'd forget your birthday!

Eli: yea how would I forget my own birthday

Me: well I did so it must not be that hard

Cam: happy birthday !!!

Jay: happy birthday Aj

Ray: your finally 17

Prince: happy birthday to ya

Prod: good luck lil sis

Chelsea: happy birthday girl !!!!

Julian: happy birthday ma!

I hugged everybody and told them thank you. Roc was kissing all over my face while I was sitting down. I hope he doesn't actually think that I broke up with him. Looked him up and down. He smiled and winked at me. He crashed his soft lips into mine and grabbed my waist. "happy birthday" he managed to struggle out. Then I was tapped on the shoulder

???: um excuse me maam but I don't think PDA is allowed

Me: oh I'm sorry its my bir- JOSTIN?!

Jostin: what?

Me: why u here

Jostin: your brother invited me


Jostin: calm down I just came to say happy birthday

Me: ok thanks you can go no

Jostin: man, what happened to best friends

Roc: I think she asked you to go( looking away)

Jostin: well happy birthday( throwing me a box) I hope your hapu with this bullshit ass nigga

Roc: who tf you callin bullshit ( stood up)

Jostin: d-did I stutter.(got in his face)

Me:( pushing Jostin) Dj * Devante Jostin*. why the he'll you wanna start shit. You said happy birthday bow leave and take you piece of shit bracelet with you

Jostin: Naw it's yours you keep it

He glared at me and walked away. The bracelet was actually really pretty. But I'll just keep that to my self. Cam and Ray was off playing some game. Jurnie and Prince just walked off Idk where tho. Julian and Chelsea went on go garts . Eli and Prod went to go find some chicks. While Roc and sat there talking. He brushed my hair out my face and kissed my nose. I smiled nice day.

I know it short but I really don't feel like writhing right now . Sorry

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