Cute couple?!

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Roc went and put clothes on I went upstairs to take a shower. When I came down every one was down there talking and laughing. Ray and Cam kept eyeing each other even tho Ray had some girl on his lap.Every time he looked at Camiya she directed his face towards her.I was just standin there and no noticed me.

??:(slaps ray) wat the hell are looking at her for I'm right here (looks at Roc and smiles)

Ray:Aye Bitxh why the fuck u slapin I ain't yo damn dog you betta gone some where wit that shit(he turned his head not facing her and I chuckled)

??: Bixtch! My fucking name is Tasha(got loud)

Ray:I don't give a fuck wat yo got damn you ain't gone fucking slap me tf you thinkin (got loud too)

Tasha: (pushes his chest) fuck you

Ray:when where and wat position. You kno wat get the hell off me(pushes her to the ground but not that hard)

Tasha:(gets up)I don't need you and yo small dick ass no way

Ray:oh small dick.DAT ain't wat you was saying lastnight when you was going deep throat on my "small" dick now was it (she got quiet and every body's eyes got big) that wat I thought hoe.

Tasha:here we go again that aint my name (gets up n goes to sit on Rocs lap) hey babe you single

Roc:(looks at her like she on crack)

Me:(I walked in) um Tasha is it ima need you to get yo ass up off my damn man

Tasha:(talking to roc)damn sexy I feel bad for you(looking at me and kisses his cheek)

Me:(got red and balled up my fist) Ray control yo hoe man

Ray:ha she ain't my hoe no mo(she laughed and kissed Roc on his lips)

Me: BIXTCH! Wat the hell is wrong with you?!(grabs her hair) I will yank this 25¢ weave out yo got damn head.fucking try me !(pulls tight)

Tasha:owww(gets off his lap) ight I'm off im off.

Me:(let's go)yea I thought you would be. Now get the fuck out

Tasha:alright I'm leaving (gets up and goes to the door)

Ray: Bye BIXTCH!!

Tasha:(out side) That ain't my name nigga.

Every body burst out laughing.Roc pulled me down on his lap and starts huging from behind.

Roc: I love you baby.

Me:yea I know

Roc:wait wat

Me:babe I'm joking.I love you too

Roc: good now give Dady a kiss

Me:where u want it

Roc: right on the tip of my di-(gco)

Me:nope. I think you should be a good boy and give mommy a kiss

Roc:(kisses my lips)

Me:mmm that was nice but not on "those" lips

Roc: alright bet(puts his hand up my shirt and starts kissing me)

Prod: eh um y'all kno we still I'n here right

Prince: yea y'all can get a room

Cam: if y'all think that's bad y'all should have seen what u walked on*shivers* huhh

Ray: (mumbles)oh damn sexy I can only imagine the things I can do to you

Me: now that's nasty. I'm not the only one who heard that right?

Ray: yes now shut up


Ayedryan: now that's nasty. I'm not only one who heard that right?

Ray: yes now shut up

Me: heard what

Ray: um...uh...n-nothin just um...nothing

Me:ok y'all crazy and I'm thirsty soo (I got up and headed towards the kitchen) y'all want something


Ray:yeah you(whispers)


Me: boy u can't whisper but if you want somthin you can come get it yourself (winks at him and walk I'n the kitchen)

I started fixin the drinks and surly enough Ray Ray walks in and grabs me from behind

Ray:need help?

Me:if that's help then yes I need a lot of it


I can't believe she heard me.I think she like me but I don't know. I need to do something bout tho.

But them she said if I wanted somthin come get it. And I had to make my move.

I walk in and grab her by the waist from behind

Me:need help?

Cam: if that's help then yes I need a lot of it

I turned her so she was facing me. I kissed her on the lips

Me: I like you be my girl

Cam: well damn okay.(She kissed me like she wanted something;)

I picked her up on the counter. She put her hand up my shirt and rubbed it up and down my abs.that's when Ayedryan walked in

Ayedryan:where our dri- um really. U kno what keep the damn drinks. But uh y'all just CANT do IT I'n my kitchen(walks out)

Cam:(laughs then hops off the counter) let's go

We walked outand I had my hands around her waist.every body exept Ayedryan was starring at us

Me: um what

Roc: that's what I'm talkin bout bro(daps me)

Me:cool but aint nothin happen

Ayedryan:(under her breath) yea right(then starts laughing)

Cam: Ayedryan we need to talk now.

Ayedryan: nope(still laughing)

Cam:( gives her a look)

Ayedryan: ok damn(gets off Rocs lap)

Roc: what baby u just gone leave me like that.

Ayedryan: (winks) I love you tho (walks out)




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