Just not ready

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Omg he said he love me and my dumd ass gone start kissing him like WTF Ana. Omg now I already kno what's gonna happen. Shit I want to but I can't. You kno what Fuck it. We do we do it. Don't fuckin matter no way. But wait I do want my first to be special should I tell him to wait. Or just go through with it . i really don't know (still kissing ) but he stopped idk y his kisses make me smile.


Damn man. Her body just so perfect. And the way she kiss always make me hard. But she a virgin and I don't wanna take it away from her just like that. Pretty sure if she was like other girls she be fuckin me right now.But she ain't like other girls and she care fr dats why she takin her time kissin me she scared I can tell.(starts back kissing her)

Ayedryan:(stops)Chres wait. I'm sorry but I just don't think I'm ready.

Me:no babe y u sorry. I respect that u wanna wait.

Ayedryan:Roc I really don't want you to be ma-(gco)

Me:babe stop I promise you I will never get mad at you for such a stupid reason


Me:swear.(kisses her forehead)

Ayedryan:(gently pecks his lips)

Me:come on I'll take you home(starts panicking)b-but only ifu wanna go

Ayedryan:(giggles shyly) Roc Calm down my mom said by 1:30 and right now it's only 3:15(realized the time and starts panicking) holy shit 3:15 opp sorry I cursed I'm so sorry but we gotta go




He see me panicking. Cuz he look nervous .

Me:Chres, babe please calm down it'll br fine

Chres: Ana im sorry this is all my fault Ill explain every thing to your mom(we pull up in the drive way )

Me: Babe it don't matter

Chres: ok can I at least walk u to the door

Me:of cours babe come on let's go

We get out the car and he walks me to the door. My mom opens the door and his jaws clinch. Y was he so scared we did do anything. My mom says if he scared even tho y'all didn't do anything. He respects you.

Mom:( opens the door and starts laughing) so wher you guys been

Chres: uh w-we uhh b-but w-we did- (gco)

Mom: haha save it. Calm down Chresanto I know you didn't do anything 1. You are way to nervous 2. Ayedryan is not that type 3. Ive been through the just a kiss phase wit my mom and my bf was as shaky as you are

I was just listening to their conversation when all of sudden I felt extremlly thirsty. And I started getting light headed. I tried to tap on Chres but I just went num and couldn't move anything. I fell straight back and hit my head on concete.

Chres:Ayedryan(yells and runs to her side)

Mom:Ana(yells and takes out her phone to call 911

I heard them talkin but couldnt see them then everyone faded the last thing I heard was

Chres:Ayedryan please talk to me. You cant leave.(whispers) I love -

That's when every thing went blank I could see , hear nor feel any thing

BLACK OUT .....................................................

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