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And to think, I used to like the dark...
36 hours.
36 times I've heard the old grandfather clock chime since she locked me in here.
In the dark.
It's getting harder to think clearly, and I'm not sure if I'll make it to 37.
I'm exhausted, but I know that I can't let myself sleep.
I strain to hear. Is someone there?
"..." I try to call out, but there's nothing left of my voice.
I hear the sound again.
Knowing that this is probably my last hope, a surge of adrenaline blasts through me, lending me just enough strength to peel myself from the floor and fling myself at the wall of my prison.
"What the-" a chocolate baritone hisses.
I go to try once more, but I'm spent. In a last-ditch effort for rescue, I feebly begin knocking out an S.O.S. I'm finding it more and more difficult to breathe, and a suspicious, sticky warmth is once again crawling down my skin.

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