Author's Note...

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Hey everyone!  Thank you for reading along with me.  This is my first foray into fan fiction and I had a lot of fun.  I'm sorry for the roughness of the first few chapters, but I promise to go back and edit it as some point. 

So...this is the end of this book.

I will continue this story-line in the next one, Ashes.  I'll probably start writing that one this week, so keep an eye out for updates.  Please, take a moment to let me know what you think.  What kind of questions do you have?  Are there any suggestions about areas where I can improve my writing?  Is there anything that was too confusing?

While you wait, take a look at my other works.  I've got a group of One Shots started called Pieces of Nine, which follows along the canon, and is just a series of moments in between the stories.  I have another fan fiction in the works called On Broken Wings which takes it all in an entirely different direction.  There are also a few originals that are in the process of being written, so I hope you find something that appeals to you!

You may have noticed my insane update schedule for Out of Darkness.  It was a personal goal to write every night for a  month.  I don't think I'll be able to keep this pace up indefinitely, but I will try to be diligent in getting something out regularly.  I met my goal, and finished this first book in ONE MONTH!!!

Thank you all again!

~Hennah  a.k.a Yobshabob

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