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"It's bed rest for you, Pookie!"  I sigh, at Dr. Sean and try to sit up.  He puts his hand on my shoulder and wags his finger in my face.  "Nuh-uh!  That means actually staying in bed!  At least two of us will be with you, and will get you whatever you need!"

I roll my eyes at him and a streak of stubbornness rears its ugly head.  "What if I have to go to the bathroom?"

"Yep.  We will carry you," he practically sings at me.

"And showering?"

"You'll take a bath, and one of us will be there with you."

"While I'm NAKED?"  I screech. This is getting ridiculous!


HAH!  Not so sure of yourself now, are you?

"Ooh!  I know!"  Uh oh.  He's a little too exuberant now.  "We'll get you a bathing suit to wear in the tub!  It'll be like a pool party!"

I groan.  Like I've ever been to a pool party before?

"If I have to wear one, so do you," I try as a last ditch effort.  He chokes a little and it looks like he wants to say something, but changes his mind at the last second.  Luke peeks his head in the doorway and puts his finger to his lips for me to be quiet as he sneaks in.

"If that's what you really want, Pumpkin."  He winks at me and points to the pillow behind me.  "Now, if I see your head leave from that spot you are going to be in some serious trouble, missy!"  Honestly, it's not that much of a threat, when he's laughing and Luke is giving him bunny ears. 

"Hey, Doc," Luke says this directly over his shoulder, and Dr. Sean screams and jumps about two feet in the air, "can I stay on first shift with Sang?  Pretty please?" 

I try my hardest not to laugh as Dr. Sean puts a hand to his chest and glares at Luke.  "You can stay, just so long as it keeps you away from me!  You about gave me a heart attack!  I would know, I am a doctor, after all." 

Gabriel walks in with something in his hands and a smirk on his face.  "Hey, Doc, Mr. B needs you.  We've got it covered in here."  He plops down on the foot of the bed and hands me the basket he was carrying.  "Trouble, pick out your favorite colors and I'm going to do your nails."

Dr. Sean blows me a kiss and heads towards the door.  "Remember, you two.  Low stress in here.  Got it?" 

Luke nods and Gabriel flips his middle finger at him and jokes, "We can handle one fucking little girl, Doc.  We'll keep shit quiet in here!"  He crosses himself and bows to Dr. Sean, who rolls his eyes and leaves. 

I look at all of the bright and beautiful colors of nail polish and I'm in awe.  How could I possibly pick?  I'm just about to tell Gabriel that, when I notice a hot pink peeking out from underneath the others.  I pick it up and can feel the grin tugging at my cheeks.  I'm giddy inside.  I've never painted my nails before.  Gabriel snatches it out of my grasp.

"This one?" he asks.  I nod and am grateful that he doesn't criticize my choice.


Kota explains everything to Mr. B while Doc hands me an ice pack for my head.  Damn, that hurts.  He gives him the note that we found on the girl and and then rolls up his sleeve so that his arm can get checked out.

"I think it's going to need stitches this time, Doc," he tells him, "I had to take the hit so that I could bring him in close."  He winces when the alcohol wipe presses up against the graze.

"I've called in an Academy clean-up crew that will secure the area and make sure that the girl is found by the authorities.  I think that it is safe to assume that this Volto is fixated on Miss Sorensen.  This is the second girl in less than 24 hours, and the resemblence is uncanny.  Did you find any clues as to how he is tracking everything?  How he found Sean's home?"

I shake my head and wince as it restarts the pounding. "Nothing there to tell how he found us."

"No, but he took off in your car again," Kota adds.

I am very disappointed with myself. I gave up our stealth when I thought he was carrying Aggele mou. If I was thinking clearly, I would have known.

"What is it, Mr. Korba?"

"I messed up, Mr. Blackbourne. I reacted to what I was seeing instead of using my head. I got us both injured, and could have gotten us killed."

He seems to consider this for a moment. "Mr. Lee?" He asks for confirmation.

"It's true, but I don't fault Silas. I am just as much to blame. We shouldn't have approached without backup. I recommend we get an hour in the morning."

"I agree, however I suggest that we wait an extra day and have Miss Sorensen participate. We'll make it light, Sean?"

Doc looks at Mr. B and nods. "I will monitor her, but I agree. It will help her feel a part of the team, and give us a starting point for gauging her current strength."

My angel is going to work with us! I'm worried that she is not strong enough, but excited to spend time making her comfortable with us as a team. I think it will be good.


I bind my wrist as tightly as I can, every sharp pain is a reminder of the revenge I will have on that glasses-wearing cock-block. Twice now he has gotten in my way. He will suffer, and it will be divine. I'll take her from him and make him watch as I slowly and meticulously unravel her. I feel myself grow hard at the thought, and I decide to deny myself the pleasure of release until I have my little blonde dolly. What fun it will be. She's so beautiful, so young and innocent! She is mine! Her father gave her to me! I will have her, and destroy all who get in my way.


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