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This was a really strange dream. Or maybe I was dead? Did they finally succeed in ridding themselves of me?

Someone was kissing me, and someone else was punching me in the ribs. At first I thought it was my parents, but this felt different...less malevolent. I felt a weird warmth flooding my veins that saturated my senses with the smell of Irish Spring soap, and as the dream started to fade, I heard a voice whisper, "Stay with us, Pookie."


Smells came back to me first. Antiseptic. Ginger. Moss and berries. Vanilla.


I feel like I must have faded again, but now the smells were stronger, and there were more. Spice. Ocean. And something that smelled like pine trees in a rainstorm. I struggled to push my way into semi- consciousness, but it was like swimming through molasses.

There were voices reaching for me. One rang familiarly in my head. Chocolate-smooth and sweet. I was having a hard time placing it, but I instinctively trusted whomever owned it and let it draw me forward, closer, almost able to wake.


Some of the scents grew faint. The voices quieted. Vanilla and Ginger were still here, but all I could hear was a soft, steady beeping.

I think time has passed. I'm not sure. Spice is here with Vanilla and Ginger. The beeping is a bit faster now. I hear someone say, "I think she'll wake soon," and I wonder if they mean me. I try to tell them that I am awake, but nothing happens. I focus, trying to open my eyes, but I may well have better luck lifting a car. I feel the air shift around me and I'm surrounded by Irish Spring.

It was the push I needed, and I gasp, my eyelids flying open.


It has been three days since Sean or Lucien have been to their homes. Actually, everyone on the team, myself included, have been spending too much time here waiting for her to wake. I realize their concern over our unconscious little bird, but they need to take better care of themselves. Shower, shave, and sleep in a real bed. At least this hospital had a halfway decent cafeteria.

I open the door to her room, surprised that Mr. Lee is here as well. I frown. He is supposed to be helping Mr. Morgan with an assignment.

I can't seem to help myself, and I lean close to check to see that she is breathing. Before I can straighten, she lets out a gasp and for the first time, I can see that her eyes are the loveliest shade of green.


I am staring at the most perfect pair of grey eyes. Time has no meaning as I notice that those perfect orbs belong to one of the most handsome faces I've ever seen and are framed by a stylish pair of slate glasses. His pupils dilate, and for a moment, I see a hunger in them. My face flushes with heat, and my pulse skyrockets.

Someone clears their throat, and reality comes flooding in. This man, who is so close to me physically, is a stranger. I feel the previous flush flee my cheeks as fear comes crashing down.


So many things seem to happen in the next minute. Owen comes in like a man on a mission and the girl wakes. Her pulse rate shoots up when he locks gazes with her. The heat that was shared between the two morphs into terror.

The doctor in me jumps into action as Owen backs away looking horrified. I try to calm her, but she flinches away from my touch and I'm afraid that if I don't snap her out of it soon she'll pass out. Luke startles both Owen and me by pushing through us to her side.

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