Its Always Darkest

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I watch Mr. B disappear around the corner, and I see Silas, Luke, and North getting ready at the front. Luke and North slip in, and Silas latches the door shut behind them. He runs to the panel on the side of the building and waits for my cue.

"As soon as they get to Sang," I tell him, "I want you to connect the three yellow wires to the red switch in the second column. Then you'll need to throw the breaker, and that should seal the doors." I see Mr. Blackbourne appear back on my monitor, and he's motioning to Sang about the others. She nods and then says something to Volto that has him attacking her. I take a deep breath and try to keep myself steady. I can't afford to mess this up.

I see Doc and the Toma team pull up and that they're heading this way. Nate is supporting Kota and Gabe stays back, probably waiting for Dr. Roberts.

"Ready, Silas?" I ask.

"I've got the wires stripped and in place, just tell me when to activate it, Vic."

North goes streaking across my video feed and launches himself at Volto. Luke is creeping towards Sang and I see the door close behind him.

"NOW!" I shout into the microphone. Silas flips the lever and I get a confirmation of the seal on one of the computers. I trigger the gas and then shout as I see Luke and Mr. B fighting with Volto. Luke gets thrown, and looks hurt. Mr. B is kicking the maniac around pretty well, but something changes and suddenly he dives for Sang and my feed goes white.

What's going on?

A thundering explosion rocks the control room, following by a shattering cacophony of sound. Doc and the others race into the room and Axel shouts, "What in the hell was that?"

My fingers are flying and I'm screaming into my microphone for any of my brother's to answer me. I only manage to pull up one feed, and it just barely catches the room in the far right corner of the screen. The rest of my cameras in the area are showing me nothing but static. I gasp and the others surrounding me go silent.

From what I can see, there's nothing but rubble where the small office was. Volto must have set off a bomb or something. The dust is settling in the air and there's no sign of any of my brothers or Sang.

Silas bangs into the control room with a wild look in his eyes. He's raving at us in Greek and it takes Raven almost a full minute to get him to start speaking English. "Where are they Vic! What has happened to them?"

I am trying to clean up the view from the lone camera and I see a shifting in the debris. North stumbles out from under a piece of what looks like drywall and starts digging in an area just to the top of our view.

"Nathan, Silas, Axel, Brandon, and Raven," Kota orders, "go and help North find them. Corey, help Victor get the cameras working. Review the footage and see where they were. Marc, go and wait with Gabriel. When the others get here, send Dr. Roberts up and take the rest to go and help dig." He sighs and sits back on the couch. "Doc, I think I need a little help here." I see a red stain growing on his shoulder and wince.

The others are leaving when I shout out for them to wait. I dig through my bag and find a large padded envelope. "Each of you take one of these and clip them onto your shirt. They're trackers, and they'll help me coordinate the search and they are all bugged, so I'll be able to hear what you're saying. Shout out if you find something, or need help, and I'll send people towards you. Make sure you all have your phones." They take the tags and run out to help find them.

"Doc!" I shout. I see North carrying Luke out of the warehouse. Luke seems to be moving slightly and I sigh in relief. "North needs you!" Kota motions for him to go and lays back. I watch helplessly as he rushes off to help my brother.

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