Meet and Greet

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Today had been exhausting. And wonderful. And terrifying. I honestly don't know what to make of it.

Luke and Dr. Green stayed with me the entire time, and six others came and went regularly, checking in on their friends and introducing themselves to me.

There was Kota, with the intelligent green eyes, who actually lived across the street from me. He was the Spice I had been smelling.

Nathan also lived on my street. He was about the same height as Kota and Luke, but obviously more filled out than them. He had auburn hair and kind blue eyes. He didn't stay long, but took Kota with him when he left, saying that he was worried about him driving after being awake for so long.

North was Luke's brother, well, step-brother, really. But from what I saw, they were as close as brothers could be. If it weren't for Luke warning me ahead of time, I'm sure I would have run screaming from the room when he walked in, broken ribs notwithstanding. North was...intimidating. Taller than Luke, and almost as muscled as Nathan, he had brooding dark eyes, almost pitch black hair, and smelled of a rich musk. His voice was like a rolling rockslide, but somehow still gentle when he spoke to me. He brought dinner for everyone, and a special thermos of broth for me "from Uncle" that was better tasting than anything I'd ever eaten.

Silas was actually bigger than North, if you can believe it, but not nearly as scary. Once he spoke up, I realized he's nothing more than a dark-haired, super-buff, Ocean scented, Mediterranean teddy bear. I'm not exactly sure where he's from, but there was the slight whisper of an accent on his tongue. He thoughtfully brought me an empty notebook and a ridiculous plumed sparkly pink pen that made me smile.

Gabriel's the one that smelled like the woods after a rainstorm. He is slender, but toned, and has the most crystalline blue eyes I've ever seen. I wanted to swim in those eyes. He has rich brown hair with longer golden hi lights at the front, and large orange studs in each ear, with three small black hoops in his right. Gabriel swears like a sailor, but it's obvious that he has the heart of a poet. He's the one who finally convinced Luke to go home and get some rest.

Gabriel came with Victor, but left with Luke to make sure he got some sleep. I'm starting to wonder if everything my parents pounded into me was a lie. These boys cared about one another, and seemed to genuinely wish for my, a stranger's, well-being. Well, all of them besides that hot-and-cold Owen guy. They were all strong, and could force me into unspeakable situations, but strangely, only my family were guilty of those crimes. No one other than Luke and Dr. Green tried to touch me, and for that, I'm grateful. I didn't want them to know that I was afraid. I didn't want them to know that I was a freak.

Victor promised to stay with me, and after Gabriel whispered to me that it was Victor who broke the door's code, I felt more than happy to have him here.
His voice is smooth and deep and melodic all at the same time, and he smells like berries and moss. He was probably the smallest of all of the guys, but still at least four or five inches taller than me, and still quite athletic looking...although he looks more like a polo or horseback rider than a football or soccer player. He has honey brown hair, and eyes that glow with an inner flame. He seems like one of those southern gentlemen you always hear about but don't actually believe in.

I wanted to learn all about the guys who snatched me from my nightmare, but sleep beckoned, and Dr. Green insisted I rest.

As I was fading, I heard the words, "Goodnight, Princess."


"What were you thinking, Owen?" I called out as I let myself into his house. It's been a marathon of a day. Running tests on Miss Sang. Stewing. Updating the boys. Stewing. Contacting the Academy about the situation. Stewing. I probably wouldn't be able to keep the police at bay for another whole day, and we needed to brainstorm...after I tell Owen just exactly what I think of his little disappearing act today.

We've been friends for almost ten years, but today was the first time I have seen him this out of control. Today was the first time Owen had let me down. Sure, I've been harping on him for years to let loose a little, but his behavior today was completely unacceptable!

"Sang has been through hell! So of course, you think that it's a good idea to bear down on her with an out-of-control intensity that would make me fold, and then you run out of there so fast that-"

I paused because in front of me was something I never thought I'd see. There was a trail of clothing on the floor, starting with Owen's tie, moving onto his shoes, socks, slacks, blazer, belt, and finally his wadded up over-shirt. The trail ended on the living room floor, where Owen sat in his boxers and a rumpled tee, a half-empty bottle of scotch in one hand and an empty glass of melting ice in the other.

The unflappable Mr. Blackbourne was looking decidedly... flapped.

"You're catching flies, Sean," he slurred while trying, and failing to pour himself another drink. He looked down at the floor, where a puddle of booze was forming and said, "Oops," he giggled. He actually giggled! "I'm drink,"he frowned, "you want a drunk?"

I took pity on my old friend and took the bottle from him. Actually, I was impressed he was still somewhat vertical. North and Luke had gotten us each a bottle of Blue Label last week as a joke when we announced our new assignment. They said that we were going to need it to be able to deal with teaching all of those hormone-laden teenagers. I had laughed, because we are hormone-laden teenagers! Of course they all got an hour for using fake ID to buy alcohol, but now, looking at Owen, I'm thinking that it's our turn for the punishment.

"Alright, Johnny Walker," I sighed as I heaved him to his feet, "time for bed."

It took longer than I would have liked to get him to his room, and I suspected that he was purposefully not helping, as he kept laughing and humming the theme to Doctor Who.  Man, I hope that the cameras are recording!

When I finally got him deposited in bed he turned to me, and with an openness founded on almost a decade of trust, said, "I was going to kiss her, Sean. She didn't even know my name, and I was going to kiss that beautiful wreck until the stars fell from the sky."

He closed his eyes and fell unconscious before I could respond

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