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Author's note:  This chapter was difficult to write, and has some mature content and may contain possible triggers for anyone who has PTSD. I sectioned off the questionable parts with a line of •••••••••••••••••• both above and below. You can scroll past it until you reach another line like it and continue from there, or you can message me, and I will send you the chapter minus that particular part. Thank you.


The darkness was alive and it was after me. I could feel it wrapping its arms around my shoulders, and I struggle to get free. I run, but it is always there. It's fingers crawl across my face and thrust themselves down my throat.

I gasp and shoot up, hands clutching my neck as I try to rid myself of the nightmare. Dr. Roberts, Phil, is at the window, pulling the drapes closed.

"Please leave it," I beg in a thready voice. He lets go and comes to sit in the chair by my bed.

"I didn't want the sunrise to wake you, Miss Sang." He smiles at me, and it helps me escape the last gripping tendrils of my dream.

"I like to see the sky," I tell him, looking over to see the dawn cresting over the horizon.

He looks like he is going to say something, his brow furrowed and lips tight, but I guess he reconsiders. He goes over to the wardrobe in the corner of the room and pulls something out of it.

"I think it's time that we get you out if that bed and on to your feet. Do you think you are ready to try that for me?" He hands me a sundress with large daisies on it and the question hanging in the silence between us.  I'm really sore, and I'm afraid that as soon as I'm better they will send me back. Dr. Roberts must have seen my thoughts cross my face, because he sits on the edge of my bed and tries to assuage my fears.

"Sweetheart, I want to get you better, because that's what I do, but I promise you that you won't be going back to that house. We're going to find you somewhere where you'll be safe and cherished, a home. No child should be left in an abusive situation, regardless of who their parents are." He patted my hand and pressed the call button. "I've got a nurse coming in who will help get you sorted, and then, if you can make it to the end of the hall with me, I'll take you to my favorite place in this entire hospital. Deal?"

How could I refuse? He spent all evening telling me about the guys when they were little, making me laugh when he told me about Owen and Sean trying to 'fix' one another's bad habits when they were not even teens, and bringing me another stack of books to read once I finished with what Kota had brought. I nodded and he smiled as he introduced me to the nurse.


By the time I managed to shuffle my way to the end of the hall, I was covered in a sheen of sweat, and my legs felt like they were filled with that jello Gabe and Luke had brought me yesterday. It had taken me almost half an hour, but I did it.

Dr. Roberts let me collapse into a wheelchair that he had waiting, and I let out an undignified snort when he told me how well I had done. He unhooked the IV from the pole I'd been dragging with me and put it into one that was attached to the chair.

"No, Miss Sang, that was really great! You lost a lot of blood and are seriously undernourished. It's going to take time to recover. Be proud of your accomplishment."  His compliments were making me uncomfortable. He pushed the button to call for the elevator while he continued on, "why it took me much longer to take my first walk after having my appendix out, and that was nothing compared to you."

We boarded the elevator and I know my eyes must have gone wide. The entire little cubicle was surrounded with clear glass, and as we ascended, I felt like I could see all of Charleston. It was beautiful. All of the old antebellum architecture bathed in the golden light of a new day. If I could take a picture, I would.

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