The Best Medicine

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"Oi! I've only got to get blown up to get a kiss?"

I turn to see Gabriel striding toward me and realize I'm straddling Owen and covering him in tears. I look down at him and see that he doesn't seem to mind. He's smiling at me and twisting a lock of my hair around his finger.

"Hey! I was exploded too! Where's my smooch, Cupcake?" Luke is leaning on the door frame and I squeal with delight, seeing him whole and upright.

I launch myself at him, but Sean grabs me mid-air and twirls me away. "No, Pookie. He's injured. Be gentle."

I blush and walk sedately up to Luke. "Hi," I mumble while pushing my finger to my lip. "I'm glad that you're okay too." I reach up on my tip-toes and place a light kiss on his lips. He sighs and leans a little more into the support of the door. He seems to wobble a bit and North comes up behind him and places a steadying hand on his arm.

"What the hell are you doing out of bed, bro?" He shoots a glare at Sean and grumbles, "Shouldn't you be making him sit or something?"

Dr. Sean winks at me and says, "I decided that he needed some of the special Sang medicine. It's done wonders for Owen already, and I do believe it's a cure-all!" I bury my head in Luke's shoulder to hide my embarrassment.

"Oi, Trouble, I've got a wicked paper cut. Can you make it better?" I laugh and go over to Gabriel. I grab his hand and look at his fingers.

"Where?" I ask.

He takes my hand and uses it to point to his pouting lip. "Right here, Sang." He pushes his lip out even further and says, "it hurts so fucking bad. Make it better?"

I can't help but laugh. "What were you doing, Meanie? Devouring a book isn't supposed to be literal!" He grumbles, but I grab him and give him a tiny kiss at the corner of his mouth. I hear North muttering behind me, but I ignore him for the moment. "Thank you for finding us." I give him another peck on the other side, and then slide over to truly thank him directly in the center of his lips.

I pull away and he's grinning at me. I run over to North before he can grouse any more and plant one on him too. "You came for me," I whisper.

I skip across the room to Sean, but my knees buckle before I get all the way there. He scoops me up before I hit the floor, and my head is swimming. "And that would be your adrenaline wearing off, Pookie." He tweaks my nose. "Are you going to let me doctor you now?"

For a moment, I don't fully understand what he's saying, but I catch a glimpse at what I'm wearing and it all comes flooding back. I start to shake, and as he tries to carry me out of the room I whimper.

"Shh, Pumpkin. It's okay." He turns around and places me on the bed next to Owen, who immediately wraps his arms around me. "We can stay right here and do this, okay?"

I give him a trembling nod and he motions for the others to draw the curtain.

"Is Kota o-k-k-ay?" I stutter out.

He brushes my hair from my eyes and smiles sadly at me. "He's fine, Sang. Everyone is going to be peachy-keen." I snuggle back into Owen. "I'll bring him in here to see you as soon as we're done, Pookie."

"I'm already here, Doc," Kota calls from the other side of the divider. "We all are."

They're all here.

The sobs overtake me for a minute, and Owen and Sean just soothe me and let me cry it out. After a few minutes, I manage to gain a little bit of control, and Sean starts to peel away my blood-soaked scrubs. He looks so blue, and I don't know what to do. Owen kisses my forehead and I see a little frown push down on Sean's face.

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