Breaking and Entering

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"You need to practice your skill sets often to prevent in-field mishaps."

Mr. B's words from this afternoon's family meeting kept looping through my mind. I didn't ever want to let them down.
The glowing numbers from the nightstand clock read 12:34 am, and knowing Kota, it was accurate to the millisecond. I smiled at the thought of my friend. He would appreciate the fact that the time was 1-2-3-4.
Everyone was asleep. Well, everyone but me. I got up and stealthily made my way across the room, careful to sidestep my brother, North's, outstretched arm. I eased my way down the stairs, bypassing the squeaky one, and exited into the garage.
"Shit, fucking son of a beast-whore, Luke!"
Oops. One of those mistakes Mr.B was talking about.
"Damn it, Luke! Where the fuck did you come from! Stop sneaking up on me! Jeezus-fucking-h-Christ what the hell are you doing?!"
Gabriel continued to curse under his breath for another minute. I needed to pay more attention. I thought he was still sleeping, but apparently I was wrong. I frowned.
"Well?" he asked.
I shrugged. "Training," I responded. I eyed him suspiciously. "What are you doing down here, Gabe?"
He copied my shrug, but looked, guilty? Whatever. An idea bloomed in my mind. "You want to join me?"
I gave him my most innocent and pleading look. I knew he hated what they had started calling 'Luke Duty', but I could obviously use a second since I hadn't even noticed him coming down here. I wanted to check out the new family that just moved in down the street. Kota said that they had two teenagers, but we haven't seen either of them since the moving van left three weeks ago. It would be a good way to practice, and I was curious. I watched as Gabe's expression mirrored his thoughts, flickering through anger, denial, exasperation, contemplation, and finally resignation. I smiled. He was in.
What the hell am I doing? This seems to be my mantra tonight. First, sneaking down to the garage to use Kota's weights while everyone was sleeping?! What the fuck? I HATE working out!
Then not being honest with Luke about what I was doing. We're not supposed to keep secrets from one another.
And now I'm standing on a roof in my pj's, holding onto Luke's bare feet while he dangles upside-down, looking like a fucking creeper in Kota's new neighbors' windows. I repeat, what the hell am I doing?!
Luke slides forward, and I'm afraid I'm going to drop him. I'm not as built as Nathan, and I'm not sure about this angle. He kicks at my hand, causing me to lose my grip, and I panic as he slips over the edge.
Oh shit! I've killed him!
I race to the side of the second story roof, sure that I'm about to see the mangled corpse of my best friend. I look, but there's nothing there. Maybe he's just hurt? I scramble down the tree alongside the house to look for him, but stop short when I see the open window. Goddamnit Luke! He swore that we were just going to look.
Realizing that he was okay, at least until I get the chance to strangle him, I plopped my tired ass down and put my head back against the tree to wait.
It was a quiet night, and I could hear a clock going off in the house. He better hurry the fuck up before I decide to leave his ass here. I was about to go when a white-faced Luke appeared in front of me. He looked as though he'd seen a ghost.
"Give me your phone, and go wake everyone. Family meeting, NOW!"
I didn't hesitate. Luke was the most easygoing motherfucker I'd ever met. If he was this spooked, it was serious.
"Give me your phone, and go wake everyone. Family meeting, NOW!"
I watched Gabe rush back to Kota's house while I green-lined Mr. Blackbourne's number.
"What's wrong, Mr. Coleman?" Mr. B's voice was sharp, knowing that it was urgent.
"It's Luke," I managed to bite out through my clenched jaw.
"Mr. Taylor, what is the situation?" His cool demeanor helped me focus. This was important.
"We have an emergency," my voice caught, "I don't know what to do."

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