Being Mr. Blackbourne

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"I think that you need to run the meeting, Sean." I held my glasses up, making sure I had them properly aligned before the glue set.

"And I think you need to pull your head out of your ass and start being Mr. Blackbourne!"

I looked at my friend, surprised. He rarely swore. Of course, he was right. He had just shown me her diary, and after figuring out her key, I had read all nine pages that she already wrote. I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes.

"She thinks I am disgusted by her. I don't know where she got the idea, but Sean, she's terrified that I'm going to make the rest of you leave her." No need to tell him about her thoughts on our almost kiss, or the 'incredibly handsome Dr. Green'.

"Well, Owen, to quote Gabriel, you need to 'sort your shit' before this all escalates any further."

"I know," I sighed, running my hands through my disheveled hair, "but something about her pulls me in a thousand directions all at once, Sean. I lose myself." I got up and started pacing. This little girl had me unraveling at the seams. Except she wasn't a little girl, though, was she? No. She's malnourished and broken, but I'd wager she's old enough to get me into trouble.

"Look, Owen, she's affecting all of us, but you have got to get yourself under control, or so help me," he paused and pointed at me, "I will take this to another team." He repeatedly poked me in the chest, punctuating every word with another prod as he spoke. I turned on him with fire in my veins. He wouldn't!

"Oh yes I would!" He answered my unspoken words. "That girl needs the best of us right now! Have you even read Shannon's report? We need to talk to Sang, and then you need to put on your big-boy pants and run our family meeting! There is too much to get done, and we are wasting time with the schoolyard theatrics!" He threw his arms up as he finished and huffed. Sean wasn't one for ranting, usually, but it worked. Well tell me how you really feel.

"Are you quite done?" I asked with a raised brow.

"No!" He growled.

I made the motion with my hand for him to continue.

"And I always hated how easily you could pick up a new skill! It took you like three minutes to learn how to read Korean letters with ease?" He folded his arms and glared at me in mock seriousness, "I freaking speak Japanese and couldn't get it!" He huffed and sat down, "Now I'm done."

I gave him a slight smile, and looked back at the book. "She knows Morse Code," I mused, "and figured out Korean script when she was just a girl." I tapped my finger on my chin, "She survived unnamed tortures, and if Officer Calderone's suspicions are correct, has lived a life locked away." I sat down and crossed my ankle over my knee. "She doesn't seem to exist on paper, except a forged birth certificate and immunization record. Who is this bird, Sean? How has she survived this long?"

I put on my repaired glasses, stood up, re-knotted my tie, and buttoned my blazer. I felt myself straighten, and a part of me 'clicked' back into place.

"There you are, Owen.  Nice to have you back."


Luke had been teaching me how to play Crazy 8's when Dr. Green came back in. I'm still feeling a little groggy from the sedative I had gotten earlier, but I don't really want to go back to sleep. Luke and Gabriel are funny and nice, and I don't want to miss out on getting to know them.

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