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I smile as I wake. Today's the day. I found her yesterday, and by tonight, she'll be mine.

I get up off of the bed and whistle to myself as I prepare. There's not much to do, really. I am the only weapon I need. I shower and change and don my gear. I walk across the street to get myself some coffee, and notice the new security camera as I am making my way back to my 'new' car. When did this happen? Is it a coincidence? Have I been found?

I scan the street and do not see any of the telltale surveillance vans that the authorities use. Am I being paranoid? Perhaps. But it has kept me out of the hands of my enemies this long. I finish my coffee and drop it in the bin in front of the store. I go back in and purchase a newspaper and ask to use the restroom. I sneak out the back and jog around the block, making sure that I wasn't followed. I take the bus to another area of town where I steal a car. If they're watching me then I need to move quickly.

Time to go and get my little dolly!


The air shifts and an unfamiliar scent tickles my nose. Kota is asleep on the bed next to me and I smile. It took me forever to convince him to not sleep in the chair again. I had to threaten to sleep on the floor in order to get him to give in. A hand slips over my mouth and yanks me from my thoughts.

I look up in terror at the stranger in my room. He is holding a foul smelling cloth over my face and it burns as I inhale. The room starts to go fuzzy and I distantly hear a grunt and the sound of something shatter. My eyes land on Kota and I'm not quite sure what I'm seeing in my haze. He looks panicked and there is something red growing on his shirt. He reaches a shaking hand for me and I think he says my name as I fade into unconsciousness.


A sharp acidic tang assaults my sense of smell and I jerk awake. My hands are bound behind me and something is covering my face. A mask? I can see, but it's through small round eye holes and it blocks almost all of my peripheral vision.

"Ah, there you are, my little dolly!" I try to jerk away as the man from the video leans down into my line of sight.

He's here?

My mind races through a hundred scenarios while he licks his lips and examines me. I try to take stock of what I know.

If he's here, and I'm with him, then the plan is failing.

I need to get him to the warehouse!

North, Luke, Victor, and Silas are all finalizing the preparations for the trap. Mr. Blackbourne went with them, and Nathan and Gabriel are on surveillance duty. Sean and Kota were staying with me to rest and...KOTA!

The image of the spreading red stain and him reaching for me flashes into my mind.

Kota was with me when Volto came! He's hurt!

I feel my breathing stutter and I focus on what Mr. Blackbourne taught me. I can't afford to panic right now.

Volto is a madman. He is obsessed with me. I need to get him talking.

"What are you going to do to me?" I ask. I'm proud that my voice doesn't waver.

He smiles and it is bone-chilling. "You are mine, little dolly, and I want to play." He flicks open a switchblade and slices my tank top off while whistling 'Dream a Little Dream'.

I repress a shudder at the sheer creepiness of it all.

Stall him.

"W-what did you do to them?" I let my voice wobble, hoping to catch him off guard. Nathan's lessons are running through my mind and I start to form an idea.

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