Curiouser and Curiouser

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I looked around to see my brothers gathered. We were a rough looking group today. Oddly, Kota and Doc were standing in front of us, and North and Mr. B were both seated, looking rough around the edges. Doc yawns and I wonder how long it's been since his head has seen a pillow. Victor is glaring daggers at North, and Gabe and Luke are huddled over something whispering. As soon as Nathan gets here, I know we will start.

I walk over to North and ask him in Greek, "What happened, that you and Mr. B look like you had an encounter with a rampaging bull?"

He looked away from me and fidgeted in his seat. This was not normal for my brother, and I am almost afraid of what he has done now. Before I can press him further, Nathan comes in and locks the door behind him.

"Okay, first things first, everyone but North and Owen get a cookie." Doc had never opened a family meeting before, but if it involves snacks, I'm game. After we had all taken our treats Kota spoke.

"I need to bring to the floor the fact that we have had an altercation within our family, and as such, Doc and I have agreed that everyone will be doing two hours tomorrow morning. If anything like what I witnessed today happens again, I will not hesitate to make it every morning this week!"

Shit. I looked around. North and Mr. B fought? By the looks of things, Victor was there too, because if looks could kill, I would be burying those two before sunrise. Doc cleared his throat to get our attention.

"Yes, well, okay. First. Pookie is doing better, but she obviously has a severe reaction to shouting and sudden movement. I realize that that angel has captured all of our hearts, but I really must insist that if you cannot be on your best behavior, that you stay out of her room."

"She doesn't like to be touched," Luke said, "unless she sees that it is her choice." It was strange to see my prankster brother so solemn.

"Yeah, " Gabe added, "so you dickheads need to just move your hands really fucking slowly around her. If you scare Trouble, I swear to Christ Almighty that I will beat you to a bloody fucking pulp!"

We all seemed to be lost in our thoughts for a moment. We all know the type of stuff that causes someone to react like that. Mr. B stood up and patted Doc on the shoulder.

"Sit down, Sean, before you fall over."

Mr. B took a moment to lock gazes with each of us before continuing.

"I need to apologize to you all. I have not been myself, and it has caused many of you extra strain on top of everything we have going on. There is some important information that you all need to hear. You will all remain silent until I finish, at which time, we will act with maturity and treat one another with respect. AM I UNDERSTOOD?"

We all nodded, and once he was sure that he had our agreement, he continued.

"First, Miss Sorensen's parents were released this morning, with no charges being brought forth." I heard a collective inhale, with many of us, myself included, getting ready to yell.


"YOU WILL LET ME FINISH!" Mr. B shouted. North huffed and stomped to the back of the room. "Sean and I have just found out that the Sorensen's are Federal Witnesses, and that the District Attorney has granted them immunity in exchange for their testimony. Victor, I need you to find out everything you can about what is going on. We need to protect Miss Sorensen from them, and I want to know just how bad this is going to get."

Vic opened up his laptop and his pianist's fingers flew over the keyboard, already searching for answers.

"Mr. Taylor," he was talking to Luke now, "I need you to get into the Sorensen residence and have a thorough look around. We need photographs of everything. Miss Sorensen has a stash of journals hidden inside her mattress, and I need for you to retrieve those for her, as well as anything else that looks to be of a personal nature that she may desire in the future. She will not be returning, gather what you deem necessary. I want the whole family wired, but you need to be careful. They are already on guard due to their circumstances, and doubly so since the happenings of the last few days. They will more than likely be home, so your safety is priority. This needs to be done today, before they can destroy evidence."

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