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My head is spinning with the speed of everything that is happening. I'm not exactly sure what has caused the flurry. Something about the shooter escaping. I'm afraid that he's coming back to try and finish what he started. Mr. Blackbourne didn't put me down until he was buckling me into North's Jeep. The two of them are in the front, and Luke and Gabriel are sandwiching me in the back. I am afraid, but also fascinated.

These Academy boys work like a well-oiled machine. They were packed and ready to go in less than five minutes, and they move with military precision. It's so different from the mannerisms I have begun to associate with them. Right now, there's no joking or friendly banter. It's intimidating, but I remind myself that they're on my side. That they are doing this to protect me.

The car swerves left, into oncoming traffic, and then makes a quick turn down a narrow alley. North speeds up as we exit and turns left again, so that we are travelling the opposite direction from before. He's weaving in and out of the other vehicles, and we're still accellerating. Mr. Blackbourne says something into his phone to Kota, and we take another sharp turn. My adrenaline is pumping and I'm feeling light headed. I hear Kota shout through the speaker something about a tail and there's the loud blast of a horn and swearing. Colors start swirling together and I smell Luke's sweet vanilla scent as I descend into darkness.


She wakes as Doc is carrying her into the quaint brick cottage belonging to the Reese team. I'm so glad to see her eyelids fluttering open. When she didn't even stir while we changed vehicles, well, it scared all of us.

"Is Kota okay? And Nathan?" she asks weakly, as Doc lowers her to the sofa.

"Everyone is fine, Pookie. We were just worried about you." Doc takes out his blood pressure cuff and starts checking just about everything on Sang. I look over his shoulder, and see that she's awfully pale.

"Hiya Cupcake, I'm glad you're awake!" I use the most ridiculous voice I can come up with, which ends up being some sort of Texas-Russian hybrid. She giggles and I couldn't be happier.

"None of that now, you two. Don't you know that giggles are contageous? There's only one cure, and I'm not sure that Sang can handle it right now!" She looks confused, and it's completely precious. She has no idea. He's such a flirt. Man, I sometimes wish I had his game.

I put on my most solemn face and a posh English accent. "I do say, sorry ol' chap." She busts out laughing, and I see some color flood back into her.

"Luke, could you please refrain from riling her up for sixty seconds while I check her pulse and blood pressure?" He rolls his eyes at me, letting me know that he's not mad.

"Sorry, Doc. She was just so lifeless back in the car. I needed to hear her laugh for just a moment. I'll be good now, scout's honor!"

North smacks me upside the head and drags me across the room. "You were never a scout, genius. Stay over here until Doc is done!"

I click my heels together and give him a one fingered salute. "Sir, yes sir, North Sir!"

Sang giggles from across the room and Doc shouts, "I give up!" with a giggle of his own. Mr. B walks in with Kota and Victor, and Rosie and Nicia follow them in. He raises and eyebrow at Doc, who puts his hand over Sang's mouth, stifling her laughter while he says, "I think she's okay, maybe just a drop in blood pressure. All seems good now."

Sang taps him on the shoulder and points to his hand on her face.

"Sean, I believe Miss Sorensen has something she wishes to add to your statement," Mr. B says dryly, and Doc removes his hand.

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