
14 1 0

I woke up in the morning with my wrist hurting like crazy! "what the hell!" I said but then realized I got a tattoo haha! I couldn't wait to show everyone! so I got up an took a shower. I put on my over-sized cat faced sweater and my gray Aztec print leggings. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on mascara and a nice bold lip color. if u didnt know I love bold lip sticks. it was my favorite pink I had! I have about 5 of them haha. I then quickly ran down stairs to show my peoples.

"Heyyyyy" I said once I got down stairs "oh my god lemme see!!" Hanna yelled "ok ok gosh" then I pulled up my sleeve so you could see my wrist. "wow it's so pretty" she said then all the girls looked at it. they all agreed. "So what does it mean" someone said I wasn't really playing attention. "oh I don't really know I just like it". I kind of lied there but it has too much detail to explain. I know I shouldn't keep these things from my friends but I just don't want to be reminded. "Are you sure no one ever gets a tattoo for no reason wait lemme rephrase that no one ever gets a tattoo for agh I give up one direction sometimes" we all started laughing! "I...i...i just can't ok" "can't what?" "I'm going out" I ran and slipped on my light brown combat boots and just ran I had no idea where I was going I just ran. "NIKKI WAIT YOUR GOING TO GET SICK ALSO COME BACK please" that's all I herd before I left. I was too far away now to go back I have no idea where I was and no way to contact anyone. So I just wandered and I thought about why he did that to us and what would've happened if he didn't die. I couldn't bare it any longer and I just broke down tears streaming down my face basically freezing on their way down.

There I was lying in the snow freezing to death crying my eyes out. I probably look like a mess but I really don't care at this point. Then out of no where (not really) I saw a couple around their late 40's walk up to me. the lady said "my dear what are you doing here it's freezing come on inside and we'll get ya warmed up and if you want to ,tell us what's the matter" so I decided to go with them. I thanked them a million times before we walked into their house I didn't even realize I was in their front lawn. "Here ya go my dear" the lady said handing me a blanket "frank here will be in with some hot cocoa for you. I'm Betty by the way and if you don't mind what were you doing out their all alone?" "I I well I was at my house with my f-friends and things got a little to e-emotional for me s-so I ran. I didn't realize how far I was u-until I stopped" frank then handed me some hot chocolate and sat down with Betty. I thanked him and continued. "then I was just walking around and g-got my self all worked up and I guess I broke down in your lawn. I-I'm so sorry i guess I just have to find my way home" with out any thought Betty and frank both hugged me. "darling we understand you but we don't want you getting sick so here's a phone call someone to come pick you up we don't mind if you stay here at all it's no worries"

They don't know how great full I was for them I didn't say a word but just dialed my moms number I don't think I could face any one but her she understands me the most. Here goes nothing "mom" I said barely a whisper "oh honey where are you I've been worried sick they called saying they didn't know where you were and there looking every where thank god where are you sweetie?" oh wow "well I'm at Betty and franks their so nice I kind of ended up In Their lawn but I know it's a long way but could you please come pick me up?" "Yes where are you i'll be their as soon as I can" "um hold on" I asked frank where we were as Betty went to go get a snack for us. I told my mom and it would take her about an hour but I don't mind Betty and frank are really nice. "My mom will be here in and hour if you don't mind me being here?" I asked them when Betty came out with a platter of crackers chips pretzels cheese etc. "wow" "well we don't mind at all do we frank. see me and frank here don't get much company our three children moved out and are a little ways away so they don't visit often so it's nice to have someone here" I felt so bad for them "this might be weird but maybe I could come visit you guys I don't think I live very far away and my family is and hour away so you could be my family away from family and you are really nice people I feel really bad you don't get much company and I'm so great full you brought me inside thank you sooooo much"

Through that hour we had so much fun we watched some tv got to know each other better and even played a few games. I found out they have 2 girls and a guy they are in collage like me too one of they girls is my age her names Zoe and her brothers name is joe. I also found out their last name is Sugg. I feel I've herd that from somewhere? hmm but they gave me their numbers and said their kids would be In town next week so I promised I would come visit.

"So honey what happened and do you want to go home or to your house?" "um home please I can't talk to them right now but I got this tattoo because of him and I couldn't find myself to tell them so I ran away and ended up at Betty and franks their so nice and their children are coming in town next week so I'm going to go visit them" and for once in those few hours I actually felt happy. true genuine happiness it felt nice to get that off my shoulders. at least I know I can tell my mom anything she's always been their for me she's my best friend I know I have Hanna and Meg's but its different. "That's nice of you Nikki and I know how you feel we can talk about it later ok I know you're stressed out so stay at home for a few days like a little vacation I'll tell everyone your ok an your staying with me" "ok thanks so much mom I love you so much and I don't think I could survive with out you" "I love you to now get some rest we'll be home soon" "k"


Ta da so I know I haven't been on so I made sure this was a longer chapter and maybe in the next chapter you will find out who 'he' is and why Nikki ran away also If you don't already know who Zoe and Joe Sugg are they're youtubers who I love they are so funny and I made them a little younger and most of what I say about them may not be true but I wanted Betty and frank to have children and the first thing I thought of were joe and Zoe cause their siblings so enjoy!!

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