Seeing each other again

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I have no idea what to do today. I guess I'll have to find a way on my computer to have someone to pick me up.

I hurried up and took a shower and put a pair of pj pants on and a random tee-shirt it was slightly too big it must be my cousins and I dried my hair and put it in a messy bun.

I then went on Facebook and texted Hanna

"Hey I'm at my house, mind coming to get me I don't have a car"

"Ya sure b there in and half hour"


*ding dong*

I herd the door bell I went to go pick it up an there was Hanna. We didn't say anything she knew I was hurting and she just gave me a hug. "wow you look terrible what happened" "wow thanks that will surely boost my self esteem" she giggled "well I mean you just don't look like your self what happened" we walked inside and sat on the couch. I explained everything to her I mean EVERYTHING there were tears and laughs and hugs. but I think she really understands me now.

After that we decided we should get going "so are you going to change?" she asked "oh um no I like this but hold on" I ran upstairs to grab my clothes from yesterday and put them in a bag. I then ran to go write a note to my mom telling her Hanna came to pick me up. then we left.

We got back after stopping at Starbucks on our way back we were now in our drive way. this was the moment I was dreading I will have to see everyone an they'll keep asking question and if I tell them they might leave me. I knew Hanna wouldn't she was the first friend I made moving to England and I was surprised she was American too. well here goes nothing.

"Are you sure your ok with this?" "ya I'll be fine....I think" then she grabbed the key and opened the door and we walked in. there almost everyone was sitting in the living room not talking just sitting there quiet pure and utter quietness you could here a pin drop. I wanted to laugh but I held it back. for some reason when it's really quiet I just want to laugh I don't know why.

There was Niall, Zayn, Megan, Loren, and Nicole (were really good friends now) I wanted to ask where harry, louis and Liam were but I couldn't speak my throat was dry and I was running out of breath then the room started spinning. "Nikki are you ok?" someone asked I couldn't make out who but something like this has happened to me before.

I'll black out soon.

"Take me to my dizzy can't breath" then everything went black

"Nikki nikki can you here me?" "nikki are you ok?" "what happened guys" "wait wait she's starting to wake up" I herd people yelling as I started to open my eyes "Nikki are you ok what happened" Zayn said "don't worry this happens when I get really stressed it used to be an everyday thing until I got medications from the doctor and after a while it stopped I guess it's back....." I said laying on the couch people surrounding me. "could you um move back a little" I asked they were really close the all move back and we talked for a while it felt as if everything was back to normal.

But I still wanted to know where harry, louis, and Liam were. so this time I decided to ask. "hey um do you know where the others are?" they all looked at each other like 'should we tell her' look and then Megan said "um harry hasn't been himself since you left he was worried sick and he wouldn't leave his house so louis is there with him and Liam's there to keep everything in order cause he's more responsible then both of them combined haha" right then and there I wanted to cry it makes me sad to know harry was crying. I need to call him I haven't had any contact with them since I was gone. even tho it's only about 2 days that's a lot for people who love and care for me I guess.

"I'll um be right back" I ran upstairs and found my phone where I left it. on the night stand. I checked it I had about 27 texts and 15 calls from everyone they probably realized I didn't have my phone after a while. I look at all the texts asking where I was I ignored them and called harry.

It ringed twice before Liam answered...liam?


"Liam where's harry?"

"Nikki oh my gosh I'm so happy your ok where are you?"

"I'm at the flat but where's harry" I was really getting worried

"Ok, he isn't talking to anyone right now but maybe I can get him on the phone. he's been really worried about you. he wouldn't do anything not even eat"

"But I'll see hold on a sec"

I herd shuffling and some mumbled yelling he must of covered up the speaker.

"Hello" I herd a groggily harry. oh he sounds so sad and just aww poor guy

"Harry?" I said quietly I was slightly scared maybe he didn't want to talk to me or he was so angry he would break up or....I just need to stop thing of bad things that could happen and focus on now



"It's you I'm so happy your ok where are you I wanna see you!"

I'm glad he's not angry "ill be over in a bit byee"


I hung up and ran down stairs yelling "IM GOING OVER TO HARRRRRYYYYSSSS" i slipped on my way to the door (you weren't there Hanna but last week in gym Morgan was going to line up and she ran in socks she was like "I'm here!!" the bam she slipped it was so funny she fell right on her butt I wanted to feel bad but even parm was laughing a little) hahahha I hurt my butt but it was funny. "oh my god Nikki" every one was laughing at me. "ok like I was saying I'm going to Harry's see ya later" "maybe" I herd niall yell "oh shut it your just jealous you don't have a girlfriend leprechaun" then everyone was laughing and nialls cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. with that I left

It was a short drive but with every turn and stop I got more and more anxious to see him. I couldn't wait! it kinda sounds like I haven't seen Him in years haha no just 2 days. I'm surprised I Can't say those were the worst 2 days of my life.

After what felt like forever I pulled in the the familiar driveway and made my way to the door. I knocked and Liam opened the door again. "nikki it's so nice to see you" he said and pulled me in for a hug he then let go and we walked in he then said "he's been so happy ever since you called he's in his room" I then ran to the door and slowly pushed the door open. I saw him there pacing back and forth rubbing the back of his neck I couldn't wait to seen him again.

I pushed the door open and he stopped looked up and smiled. we ran to each other like you always see in the movies cheesy I know. he spinned me around, I wrapped my legs round his waist and my hands around his neck with is hands under my bum and we kissed like we haven't seen each other in weeks.

It was amazing


Yay another chapter I was going to update yesterday but I got distracted. haha anyway I forgot to tell you what Nikki's tattoo is it a heart with an infinity sign in it


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