Hanging with the boys

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"Hi" they all said in unison...how many people do that creepy "Hia" I said kinda nervous then Meg's said "Hello" and Hanna just waved as we got in the car. "Guys this is my friend Nicolette but you can call her Nikki then Hanna and Megan but Nikki calls her Meg's" Louis said matter of factly.

In the car it went Hanna by to door then on the other side it was Meg's, me, Lou, Harry, Zayn, Liam then Niall. It was like a 10min car ride to their house and may I say it was H U G E!!! But the car ride was fun we learned a lot about each other. As we were walking in I just had to say "Exactly how big is your house?"I said, but I'm not nervous talking to my favorite band ever anymore. "Well we have a movie room?!" Harry spoke up and let me just say "WOOOOWW" I said walking in dragging out the wow in amazement while I was looking all over.

"So what's ya wanna do?" I asked curious of what they would say. "We could watch a movie?" Lou said. "Ooo can we watch Grown Ups?!!" Hanna said. "Omg we've watched that too many times!!" I said a little annoyed "But it's my favorite!!" Hanna wined like a 5 year-old. "Na come on let's watch it, I've never seen it." Zayn said. Ooo someone has a crush I thought."But but" I was cut off by Zayn and Hanna "Pweese!!" They said in unison... Creepy... With puppy dog eyes. Ok how could I pass that up but "NO!" I said crossing my arms "Awwww" they said sad I'm suprised no one else is saying anything. "What do you say Lou, do you wanna watch that movie?" I said now VERY annoyed, my arms still crossed. He hesitated to say "Nno not really" he stuttered I guess he was torn... Lol get get cause they sang torn.. No ok never mind. Anyway.

"Ok there ya go one of each so go to what side you want to either to watch the movie or not". On my side it was me, Lou, Harry, and Niall then on Hanna's side Meg's, hanna, Liam and Zayn. "Wait, wait I've seen this movie too many times" Meg's said then moved over to my side. "Woo Hoo beat that Hanna we're not watching the movie hahahaha!!!" "Ok then what are we gonna do now? Huh" she said in her little popular snobby voice that i laugh at every time and she knew it uh oh here i go. I couldn't help but laugh and every one was staring at me because I was laughing so hard I fell on the floor! "Hahahahhahahahahaha!!" "What's wrong with you!"Lou asked "I...Hanna...Said...that...in...her...popular...snobby...girl...voice...and..its..too...funny!!" I said in between laughs still on the floor. Then Niall helped me up and then I said "Ok I'm fine now" out of breath. "How about we go get some ice cream, yeah" Niall asked no one impetcular "Yeah!!!" We all said but me and Lou screamed. Then we all laughed.

Now were at the ice cream shop and me and Hanna got our favorite kind mint Oreo in a cone. Yumm! We always get that. "This is like amazing" I said "Don't you always get that tho?" Meg's asked to me and Hanna. We nodded cause we had a mouthful of our ice cream. "We don't care mint Oreo never gets old!" I said/yelled "Duh" me and Hanna said in our obvious voices "Jinks! Knock on...Liam" I said as Liam was the closest then knocked on him. "Ow! What was that for?" He asked me "Well me and Hanna said that at the same time and the closest person was you..so knock on Liam and Hanna can't talk now." "You know the rules if she talks I can punch her hehe!"I said all excited like. "Heyy" Hanna wined and then I lightly slapped her "Ow!" Then again "You know every time you say something I'm just gonna keep doing that" she nodded. Ha it's funny! "Hanna!,Hanna!,Hanna!" Zayn called out "Yess I'm freeeee!" "Aww Zanie why'd you do that?" I asked saddened when he said that. Why he did and no one else did I don't know. Ooo maybe he has a little crush! Hehe we'll find out. I said with an evil smirk playing on my lips.

"Um Nikki what's that look for?" Harry asked very scared of what I was going to say. Then I whispered to him "I think Zanie fancy's Hanna!" I said just quiet enough for him to hear but every one has there own little conversations so I think I was good. On our way back to the boys house me and Harry exchanged numbers and had a very weird conversation.

---------------------------------- That's it for now I'll try to post soon! Hope you like it!! Also follow my Instagram account: kaylag1979

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