Liking, dates and friends! Oh my!

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"Um well....Sure!"

"Good how about I take you out tomorrow" "sure I gots no plans *laughs*" "ok I'll pick you up tomorrow but don't tell anyone ok" "um why?" That's weird "it's complicated lets put it at that ok and the paps." "Um ok..?"

Then we walked in and I was happy and the girls could tell. So we walked into my room and I spilled.

"So he just asked you?" Hanna said "well ya but he also said that I shouldn't tell anyone but I don't know why" I'm confused. "Well maybe one of the guys likes you too?" Meg's said "hmm maybe?"

We walked out into the living room ad the guys were talking about who knows what. Then I yelled "heyy!" And they said "hi" but Lou didnt say any thing he normally YELLS hi. Then he said "hey Nikki can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked uh oh "um ok?"

Then we walked into the kitchen.

"Ok so I want to tell you something but I know harry being as he is already asked you out but that's not it." "Um ok what is it?" "Well from the first day I ran into you at Starbucks I've fancied you ok I fancy you but it's no use." "Aww Lou don't say that I know harry asked me out but that doesn't mean there aren't other girls out there." "Ya I know but it's not the same I want a girl that's crazy and fun just like me and that's you I just want to call you mine an we can be the "hot" new couple" and he put quotes around hot. Man I don't like to see Lou like this "how about we go on a "date" Wednesday as friends ya know, will that make you feel better?" I put quotes around date "um sure why not tomorrow?" "Cause I have some place to be?" Oops that came out as more of a question. "Umm you do, where are you going?" Uhh he really wants to get this out of me. "Ok ok fine I'm going on a date with harry" "that's what I thought" "Lou why didnt you tell me sooner I mean when we first met I did kind of like you but then I got to know harry and he's so sweet and not to mention not very bad looking so I kind of did fall for him now look where we are" "ya you a want to go for a walk?" He asked umm whats he got planed. "Um why?" "Well I don't know I just thought it would give us something to do" "well why don't we see what the guys are doing I mean we've been In Here for a while" "ya ok"

Then we walked out and by the time I looked at the clock it was already 8:00 but we have time and I was going to put my pjs on yay! I put on my cupcake shorts and a pink tank top while Hanna had on her zebra shorts and a white tank top and Meg's had on her purple polka dot shorts on and a purple tank top. Then we decide to watch Napoleon dynamite. ( A/n if you haven't seen this movie before its sooo funny and really good!!!! I love it) I love that movie. I sat on the couch, yes we have a L shaped couch too, it went Lou on the "L" then me in part of the corner next to me/ half laying in my lap was harry then on my love seat was Hanna and Meg's then on the floor in my bean bags were Liam, Niall and Zayn. An lets just say I have a pretty big house too were kind of rich cause my 'dad' is the CEO or something like that for apple co. And my mom is a fashion designer I show off some of her outfits some are really cute and help her with it too. We have my bed room my parents my butlers and cooks, a screening room it's like a movie room then a living room, kitchen, 8 extra bedrooms, with 5 full bathrooms and 3 half-baths, a porch, basement and a pool with a hot tub. And most of the house is mine cause my parents are gone most of the time.

When the movie was over Niall and Lou were sleeping but it was around 10:00 so I woke them up and told all of them to leave cause it was late and I was tired. But Hanna and Meg's just stayed over, they stay over so often they have their own rooms with clothes and furniture.

*the next day*

I got up and took a shower then dried my hair and left it as my natural wavy hair then I put on my white and grey striped loose tank top with a gold anchor on it. I put on my grey washed jeans. i grabbed my silver toms that are like see through and my white ruffle clutch purse also my white jean jacket that has no sleeves. I put on my small diamond necklace with silver leaf earrings and a silver ring with a small bow. I put on silver sparkly eye shadow and mascara and put my black and white phone case on my phone. (A/n I will hopefully put up the pic that goes with it and ill try cause sometimes it doesn't work) personally I didn't know where we were going so I thought this was good.

Around 11:00 I was getting hungry and Hanna and Meg's still weren't up but I do think they stayed up later than me cause I went up to my room before them so I'm going to let them sleep cause personally I like it quite like this minus me singing a little and the noise I'm making. About 10 min later the door bell rang so I went to get it. It was harry! Yay I'm HUNGRY!!!! "Oh my god where have you been I'm starving!!!!" "Ok ok we're going to my house and were going to cook it that ok,love?" "Yeah I guess"

After we ate we turned the tv on but played a game a talked most of the time. Bye this time it's was around 2:30 and I just remembered I had plans so I sadly had to leave. "Hey Im sorry but I got to got I have plans with a friend" "ok let me take you home" (again c what I did there lol I just can't stop) "ok thanks"

When I got home I called my other friend Loren and she stays over often too so she has her own room too. And I said I was sorry for not calling earlier but I was busy. By now Hanna and Meg's were up an we were talking when Loren walked in, I just have them walk in cause I'm to tired to get the door and its always open so it would just be a waist. "Heyy girl I haven't seen you In a few weeks how've you been!?" I asked as she joined us on the couch "I've been good and guess what!!!" "What?" We all said "I got accepted too so we'll all be going to the same collage yay!!!!!" "Oh my god!!!! Ekkk" we all screamed!"


Sorry I haven't updated I was busy and wattpad kept deleting my chapter and as you know I accidentally deleted my last chapter so ya. And hope you like this one too. Also I actually have a friend named Loren and her name is spelled that way and she also has a very dirty mind but I might make her a little different in this book. Also my life isn't like hers btw incase you thought cause I was talking about my friends and stuff. so tell me what you think byee!!!! Also the pic of Nikki's outfit is up!

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