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And I told ya, I can't get over you, oh.

Today, Phil was taking Jewel to the zoo. They walked hand in hand, staying close to reserve warmth from the cold autumn day.

Jewel and Phil stopped at the monkeys, and Jewel smiled widely, "Phil, you should get me a pet monkey!" She said, and Phil chuckled as he put his arm around her.

"I would if it wasn't such a hassle to." He told her, kissing the top of her head.

They watched a monkey jump around until it stopped in front of another monkey. "Look, I think that monkey fancies that one." Jewel pointed to them, and they watched as the first monkey attempted to kiss the other monkey. Sadly, the second monkey wasn't having it and smacked the other monkey, jumping away afterwards. "Aw, that monkey was me when I tried to kiss you in senior year."

Phil groaned and she giggled. "Listen, we swore we wouldn't talk about that."

"So? I can face the facts, I tried to kiss you while we were both drunk and you hit me with a pillow to stop me." She smiled up at him, and he grinned.

"Yeah and then you fell off my bed." They both laughed, walking away from the monkeys. They stopped in front of a the penguins, smiling as they watched them waddle and slide around.

"Look, a baby penguin!" Jewel ran towards the guard railing, bending over it to get a closer look. Phil followed behind her, placing his hands on her hips and watching from behind her.

A penguin swam up from below them, and the two of them looked down at it. Jewel stared at it as it stared back at her, and she slowly smiled at it.

"I think it likes you." Phil said, and she giggled.

Phil took a step back, pulling out his phone as quickly as possible and taking a picture of the scene. Once he had done so, he sent it to Dan and Aleysa, adding below it "this penguin is trying to steal my girl."

"I'm gonna name you.. Dil." She smiled, and Phil shook his head.

Suddenly, the penguin let out a loud gaw, and it jumped up at Jewel. Phil quickly wrapped his arms around her waste from behind, pulling her away from the railing. She watched Dil swim back to the other Penguins in horror. "Oh my god it almost ate my face."

Phil grinned, "Saved your life."

"My hero." She giggled, kissing his chin.

Phil smiled at her, this is totally going to be the best zoo date ever.

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