chapter one

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Sitting in the corner and hoping against hope, that this all was nothing more than a nightmare. My heart beating painfully fast. A jolt of grieve ran into my veins. This killing silence is eating me up slowly and painfully. Hot tears escaping from my hazel eyes down my pale cheeks. I engulfed in saliva in order to moisturize my dry throat but instead it made its way towards my gut burning my throat like an acid. This was not the first time but it made no difference to me maybe this was my destiny There was a knock on the door after which, a thin beam of light made its way into the darkened room. soon after which the room was flooded with light, that light made me temporarily blind when my vision, returned all I could see was a feminine figure trapping the light. That figure bombarded me with words, that made no sense to my numb brain I opened my mouth to say something but only a silent scream came out. The figure disappeared leaving me alone, again in that torture. this was the darkness that maybe I was destined to face. I was rooted to my core. Icy cold chills running down my spine. My life has never been a bed of roses but more of a never-ending struggle a struggle to survive every day a struggle to be me Yes me. it was battle that I was fighting inside of me without anyone else having any clue of it. Maybe on the outside I was just a normal happy teenager but all this that goes inside my head this torture there was no device to detect it, no way to sense it. I know maybe there are people who have it worse I might be very blessed to have all that I do I mean many of the things that I own I haven't worked a day in my life to pay for, still that doesn't mean that I have no issues that I should be a beaming ray of sunshine. although I don't have it as bad as many other people do but I don't have it as easy as many others do too. in my short life span I've encountered many horrible things seen monsters in the human form, monsters that still haunt my dreams.

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