Chapter 1

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Sophia's POV

Sydney, Australia

I tried opening my eyes again. No way,you can't cheat nature. I had barely slept in the last three days due to this contract I had with an advertising company. I loved my job but I loved sleep more. Rrrrr and the person calling me 1:15 am wasn't helping at all.
With my eyes still closed, I reached for my phone. "Hello"
"Where did you keep your phone, young lady?",my father's authoritative voice greeted me,"I've been calling you for the past ten minutes".
"Papa,it's nighttime here. I was asleep"
"Well if you would just come home, we wouldn't go through these timezone problems"
"For the umpteenth time papa,no I don't want to go back to Houston"
"How do you expect me to stay here without you now that my heart is...".The sleep left my eyes immediately he mentioned his heart.
"What's wrong with your heart? "Nothing serious but the doctor insists I can't do any serious work"And you should listen to him",I quickly said. My father could be stubborn at times.
"And surrender the company to my partner and his sons;hell no. They'd use my absence against me."
"I thought the old man was your friend"
"Yes but you know Arabs can't be trusted"
I chuckled, no one was to be trusted according to my father."Yes and everyone else who isn't Mexican"
"Arabs are really malicious, believe me"
"That's what you said about Italians"
My father sighed. He knew I loved giving him a hard time.
"I need you here dear,to take my place for now"
"Dad I..."
"You won't abandon your sick father now would you?"
I so hate emotional blackmail. The old man sure knew how to get me.
"Okay papa. Once I'm done with this contract, I'll pull my stuff together and come home"
"Oh,mi nina,I knew you wouldn't disappoint me"
Of course you did scheming old man.
"Bye,papa. I'd love to go back to sleep now"


Stacy's POV

Houston, Texas

I giggled as his fingertips trailed down my neck.
"Jamal,stop".He didn't as he knew I didn't really want him to.
"You look really nice today. For that we must have lunch together"
"I have work to do"
"During lunch?",he said,still tickling me.
"Okay,you win. Now stop".He still didn't.
"Hmm mmm mmm",We turned to see who it was. Damn,it was Mr Alcatraz, his father.
"Good morning, sir",I managed to say.
He didn't reply. Nothing personal Mr Alcatraz just never replied to anyone's greetings but that didn't mean we should stop doing so.
"Jamal,I want you in my office now",was all he said as he strolled past us.
Jamal and me chuckled for a while.
"Do you think he's going to give you a lecture on what he just saw?"
"Nah,he wants to talk business, I know that look. Besides,this isn't the first time he's seeing us together",he said,laughing again.
"Yeah. You'd better go"
"Not without a kiss"
I pushed him away. "No".He still did, knowing that's what I wanted. He smiled,that toothpaste commercial smile of his."See you at lunch"
Then he walked away while I looked at my watch.

Jamal's POV

I followed my father into his office, hoping he wouldn't mention Stacy. He was okay with our relationship but that didn't mean he approved of it.
I remained standing, knowing fully well my father had to tell me to sit before I did which he did only when he wanted to discuss something long and private.
"Sit down",he said. Phew,that meant we weren't going to discuss Stacy. I took my seat.
"De la Fuenté has heart issues again. No more work for him."
"That's good I mean good bad news. We could finally convince him to sell his shares to us".
"There's no way in hell that bloody devil will accept to do that.".
I suppressed a laugh. My father never missed an opportunity to insult Vincenté especially when it concerned the company but I knew he truly considered him a friend. Let's just say he loved his company more than anything else,perhaps even my brother and me.
"We could at least try to bring him to reason."
My father shook his head."Look at this"
I scanned through the document and I blinked.
"He's sending his daughter to replace him?"
"Yes,he has clearly stipulated that she should take full responsibility over his position"
"I didn't know he had a daughter"
"I didn't know Sophia would be interested in this company. This means you and your brother won't have complete control over this place as I thought. You know the De la Fuenté's own a greater proportion than we do."
"Yeah,that means we are on a hot seat"
"We have always been on a hot seat, son. We don't know what their plans are,that girl may want to change our arrangements."
"Don't worry, father. As you said she's probably doing this just to help her daddy. I doubt she even knows how to manage a company. Besides there's no way I'm letting a girl intimidate me."
"She will be coming today. Be sure to keep her in check. We don't want unwanted surprises."
"Sure,dad",I said, rising"May I leave now?"
"Yes. One last thing;For goodness sake, Jamal have some etiquette and avoid kissing that girl everywhere in the building. We don't want you having a bad reputation now, do we?"
"No father",I replied shyly. I thought he wouldn't mention that.

"Hey bro",my brother greeted. I grimaced in response. I love my brother but he's a real asshole sometimes,no,all the time.
"I said hey"
"What do you want,Aamir?"
"Whoa, I try to be an affectionate brother and this is all I get?"
I sighed,"Look at this. De la Fuenté has a daughter. Who knew that?"
"And she's taking over from her dad. Hmm that's a threat. To think we thought we'd have the place all to ourselves once the dude died"
I shot him a glare
"Hey,dad's words,not mine",he defended.
"Anyways I'm not scared of her. She's probably just a girly girl."
"Mm hmm. She's Mexican. That means hotness. I think I'd befriend her"
"Friends, huh?"
"Okay maybe a little more than that".
I smirked. Aamir was a player and with his perfect figure and sweet tongue,they all just fell at his feet. He dumped them once they became too clingy.
"Whatever, just don't do anything silly. Oh forget it,you are helplessly silly."
He chuckled as we arrived the receptionist's desk. I wanted to tell her to direct Sophia to me once she arrived.
"Lana,please when a certain Miss..."
"Excuse me. Can I please know where to find any of the Alcatraz?"Someone interrupted
I blinked
"Sophia,Sophia De la Fuenté?"
"Yes that's me",her expression showing she saw that I was shocked.
Hell I was. I had been expecting the typical Mexican girl with generous features which she'd obviously not be shy to show but here she was,skinny,with little or no hips and just average breasts. She looked sick but I don't think that was the case else dad would've told me. Hell she was classy. She was wearing a simple but elegant black gown,nude stilletos and had a black mallet.
"You look surprised. Not whom you were expecting?"
"Hmm,is that good or bad?"
"Frankly speaking, I don't know".

And I truly meant that.

Hey again. Hope you loved this.
Don't forget to vote,comment and fan if you did.

P.S. I'm not good at editing so pardon my mistakes.

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