Chapter 21

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          Jamal's POV.
       Sophia wasn't there when I woke up. I checked the clock to see if she had exceptionally decided to wake up early or it was I who had overslept.
        Whoa,that was a first for her. I got out of bed and went to prepare myself for work. We had an important meeting today and Sophia had to make a presentation. I reckoned that was why she had gotten up early.
        When I got downstairs only my father was there and breakfast was still being served.
         "Good morning, son",my father said,his eyes still on the newspaper his was reading.
      I ignored him.
       "Has my wife already left?", I asked Marlene, the maid serving the meal.
         "No,Jamal sir. I don't think she or Aamir have come down yet."
       "Really?" Then it hit me.
  I ran upstairs and knocked at Aamir's door. He didn't open even after a few minutes of knocking and yelling his name so I opened the door.
      As I had suspected, my dear wife was sprawled across my brother's mid-section while his hand was wrapped round her neck. Both were fast asleep.
    No response.
       "Its morning already, you guys should wake up."
         I walked to Aamir's stereo and turned it on.
      He was the first to wake up.  "Sophia,turn that thing off",he said,tapping her back.
         "No you turn it off",she replied.
          "How about you both just get up and turn it off together."
         They both looked up at me. "Nah,just help us instead,mate",Sophia said.
         "It's 7:57."
        "What!",they both yelled and got out of bed like it was on fire.
         "This is all your fault,Aamir. I have a presentation at ten and I still feel so tired",Sophia said.
       "My fault? Who came into my room last night,asking if we could chat?"
         "May I remind you that I told you we should sleep at eleven pm,but you dragged it on till past one. If I hadn't slept off we'd still be at it right now."
           "I was the one who slept off."
         "No,I was the one who slept off."
          "8:00",I said.
        "Oh no,you're just a nuisance,Aamir."
       "Same to you",Aamir snorted. "Besides you sleep like a ninja."
       "What's that supposed to mean?". She hit him on the shoulder.
         "Damn,my whole body hurts. You should take karate or boxing classes so you can let all that brutality out."
      "Its not that bad,else Jamal would have told me."
        "Oh please,he's probably being unnecessarily polite as usual,that's why he hasn't complained."
       They both looked at me,waiting for my reply.
      "Well-uh,I'll just leave you two to get ready. I'm running late",I said instead.
         "Sure,leave the rest of us mere mortals in our irresponsibility",Sophia blurted.
       "Hey,that's my line",Aamir accused.
      "Shut up,you didn't create the language."
       "See you guys later". I actually opened the door to leave this time.
        "Go away,Mr prim and proper",I heard Sophia say in a British accent while Aamir chuckled.
          I kept trying to convince myself that there was nothing wrong with what had just happened but my mind kept replaying over and over again during the thirty-minute drive to Kance that by the end of it all I just had to admit it.
       My wife had spent the night in my brother's room,on his bed,with him and this morning they had acted like it was a completely normal thing.
        Whether I sounded jealous or not,I didn't care. Aamir was so close to my wife that it seemed I was one trying to slot myself into their little world and the sad thing was there was nothing I could do about it.
      It was 8:45 by the time I arrived my office. I decided to keep my worries at the back of my mind and concentrate on the upcoming meeting. I just hoped those two would make it on time.
     My theory about life not being on my side was proven true. An hour later and no sign of either of them and we really couldn't start without Sophia.
       I took out my cellphone.
     "Aamir, where are you?"
      "I'm already in the building, I'll be in the meeting room shortly."
       "And Sophia?"
      "She was in a haste,so she left the house before me. Isn't she there yet?"
        "If she was,I wouldn't be asking after her."
       "Okay,calm down. I'm sure she'll be there any minute. "
         I hung up.
    Great,even Aamir hadn't shown up. Seriously did he need a train from his office to this place?
    Everyone was here now,our parents as well yet here I was,waiting for the king and queen to finally surface.
     I heard their laughs just as I was about to give up and go in.
      "How nice of you both to finally honour us with your presence",I said,trying to mask my annoyance.
      "Sorry,muffin. It wasn't intentional", Sophia replied. "My car broke down on my way here and I couldn't get a taxi because in the rush to get here on time I left my purse containing my phone and money at home,so I borrowed someone's phone and dialed the only number I've memorised aside from my dad's."
        "Aamir's",I finished.
        "That's right. He told me he was already here and that you were worried about me. Sorry again,muf."
        "I wasn't your fault",I said with a tight smile. "Let's just go,everyone's waiting."
        I gripped Aamir's arm.
       "We need to talk."
     "Yes,Jamal. We need to talk",he replied seriously.
     Aamir's POV.
     I went to Jamal's office immediately after the meeting. I didn't bother knocking, I couldn't wait to talk sense into him.
         "What's wrong with you,Jamal?"
        "I should be asking you that question. What are you trying to achieve by keeping my wife all to yourself?"
       "Wait,what? Are you jealous?", I asked,shocked.
       "That's not the point. You have to admit that her spending the night in your room and calling you when she's in trouble is a little weird considering I am the husband here."
        "Then behave like one,Jamal. You also have to admit turning down her offer to have lunch and going out with your ex instead is a little weird considering she is the wife here."
        "This has nothing to do with Stacy."
        "Doesn't have a lot to do with me either. If Sophia stays with me it's because she trusts me and knows I'll always be there for her. Its up to you to prove that you're equally worth it,that's if you care."
      "She's my wife, of course I care."
         "Then do something, Jamal,show her you care. Forget Stacy and focus on your marriage. Sophia is the best thing that will ever happen to you,remember that."
       "If that's the case then why didn't you fight to marry her yourself?"
      I shot him one of his own signature glares before leaving his office.

      Sorry for the mistakes. Will correct them tomorrow. I'm just so tired and my battery is about to die

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