Chapter 9

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    Sophia's POV.

         I woke up to the sound of knocks at the door.
    "Sophia,dear, guests are about to leave. You have to be there to say goodbye",I heard my father say.
         "Oops",said... I turned to see who it was.
      "Aamir?What are you doing here?",I asked,completely panicked.
       "You brought me here, dear."
    "Oh,that's true. My,if my father sees you he'll think..."
     "We came to make out?"
He chukkled."Calm down,dear. You're constantly face to face with this hotness,he'll understand that you couldn't resist touching..."
   I punched him.
     He stopped laughing and his expression grew serious and...nervous?
    "I wish we had...".He shook his head."Never mind."
      "You wish we had...what?"
      "Sophia,dear are you okay?",my father said,still knocking.
   "Stop drooling over me and open up",Aamir said,all his seriousness vanished.
     "Go hide in the bathroom. I'm going to open the door",I said rising.
          "Yes papa."
    "How could you eclipse yourself from your own party,dear?"
     "Sorry papa. I felt a little dizzy,so I came up to take a nap."
      "Oh really. Are you okay now?I'll just tell everyone to leave",replied my father,looking alarmed.
      "No,it's fine. I'll be down in a bit. Let me just...",I gestured to my face.
      "Okay dear."

I closed the door just as Aamir walked out of the bathroom.
      "Pink tiles?You're such a girl",he said.
     "A proud one at that. You should go now."
     "Don't miss me too much",he said,leaving the room and laughing as I rolled my eyes.

   "Thanks for coming,hope to see you soon",I chorused with a fake smile to each guest as they left. Soon there were only a few left including the Alcatraz men. My father was talking to them and I was getting bored so I had no choice but to join them.
     "Sophia,dear. What a wonderful party. Oh, I didn't even get the chance to tell you how lovely you look tonight",said the oldest Alcatraz with a wide smile.
       "Err,thank you,sir",I replied.
       I noticed Jamal and Stacy discussing in their own corner. I had to admit they looked good together,her good looks and his charm. Jamal was not as good-looking as Aamir but there was this thing about him that made him more attractive. Okay I shouldn't be thinking like this.
       "Father,I will be leaving now. Stacy wants to go home",Jamal said.
      "No,Jamal you can't leave now. I still need you to meet some people",his father replied.
    "I brought her here,she would have to take a taxi now."
       "In that case,Aamir son,take miss Cooke home."
      "Sure,father. Stacy...",Aamir said,taking Stacy's hand.
      "It was nice having you,miss Cooke",I said to Stacy.
        "The pleasure's all mine,miss De la Fuenté. See you on Monday",she replied.
       "See you on Monday Sophia",Aamir said."Maybe earlier",he whispered in my ear before leaving. Knowing I would roll my eyes as usual,he laughed.
     "The green works too." I turned to see that it was Jamal.
          "Which green,my gown?"
     "No. Your eye shadow. It was pink earlier on. You retouched it green."
      I was completely taken aback, I had never expected to ever have Jamal Alcatraz notice,talk less of comment on the colour of my eye shadow.
          "Oh... Err,thanks?",I said,more like a question.
     "You're welcome",he replied like he was answering the question.
         "Your gown too looks lovely on you."
       All this for me?
  "Thank you,Mr Alcatraz."
   "Oh please,call him Jamal",his father chirped in.
           "I will, sir",then whispered to Jamal,"I thought they were discussing something important. How did he register that?"
     "My father registers everything he hears. Let's go sit somewhere else.

    "So,Jamal,is that fine by you?"
      "Sure,Sophia. Is that alright?"
    I smiled. I had thought his eyes were gray. Looking more closely I could see they were just a lighter shade of  blue.
      "You wanted to say something",he said,interrupting my thoughts.
      "Err...oh yes,I uh... Your date tonight was very pretty."
         "Ah,Stacy,yes she was,well is. Stacy is a beautiful girl."
     I nodded. Meaning I'm not.
    "And as much as I hate to admit it,your date too was fine."
    I laughed."What's with you and Aamir?"
      "Nothing serious. We just don't get along anymore",he replied,shrugging.
    "I wish I had a sibling too. I don't think we would ever not get along and if that happens I would swallow my pride and apologise."
    "It's not that simple."
    "That's the same thing Aamir said",I muttered under my breath.
    "Nothing. You're right. Some things are less easy than they seem."
         "Aamir is not the kind that would want to sit down and have a serious reconciliation discussion with me. He's doesn't care,he's not the emotional type."
       "Perhaps you don't know your brother well enough."

   Stacy's POV.

      "So how was your evening?",Aamir asked me.
       "It was okay."
    "Just okay?"
"It was fantabulous,happy now?"
    He laughed lightly. "What's wrong,Stacy?"
      "Do I look like something's wrong?",I asked rather harshly.
    He laughed again and sped up the car.
     "I'm,I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude."
        "It's fine. I like them feisty,anyways."
      I forced a laugh.
    "Tell me what the problem is."
          "Nothing really. I'm just tired."
       It wasn't nothing.
    Tonight had been horrible. I had just stood there,bored,while all those rich people discussed rich people stuff except when men came my way,thanks to my physique. The worst part was I didn't even spend time with Jamal. I knew it wasn't his fault but I just hated being left out.
      Unlike Sophia De la Fuenté.
    She was the centre of attention. Everyone wanted to be with her,talk to her,like she was the Queen of England. I know the party was held in her honour and I'm not the jealous type but I'm tired of being a spectator,I also want to be in the spotlight.
      With Jamal I would have that. I just needed to be patient.
      We arrived our neighborhood and as usual, I felt ashamed. I didn't really live in the good side side of town. It hadn't been a  bother till I started working at Kance and visiting fancy houses.
      With Jamal I'd have a fancy house too.
   "Thanks, Aamir",I said before leaving the car.
      "I'm good too",he replied.
     "You're interested in my brother, but I'm also good for you."
        "Are you making advances at me?",I asked,shocked.
       "Good night,Stacy",he said before speeding off.

    "Welcome, dear",my mother greeted when she opened the door.
       "Thanks,mum",I replied,walking in.
      "Stacy,Kance series1 is so cool. The new series are on point" ,said Chloe,my teenage half-sister. I had no father and my mother married Chloe's father when I was eight.
         Really,dear?",I asked.
      "Yup,you guys are doing great. I love the new interface design ."
       Sophia is doing great.
     She is perfect at everything.
Well I had my physique and the dream man and those were two aspects in which she could never beat me.
       And it would remain that way,I'm sure of it.


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