Chapter 26.

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Sophia's POV.

It had been a week since father died and we had already buried him. I had wanted everything done quickly so I could move on quickly as well,or at least try.
"Chelsea says everything is okay regarding the upcoming talk shows and newscasts so you shouldn't worry about anything. She equally sends you her best wishes."
"Tell her thanks for me."
Everyone had suggested I stay at home for a while, especially Aamir,who thought I looked less healthy nowadays.
"I will. Everyone else wishes you well."
"You should go home now,Sarah. You've worked very hard and ought to rest."
Sarah had been the one taking care of all the funeral arrangements and keeping me updated on work. I could definitely say she was not only my favorite employee but my friend as well.
"I'm okay. I'll just hang around in case you need something."
I insist. Besides there are many people at home,I'll be fine."
"Okay. I'll be here immediately after work tomorrow."
"Can I come in,ladies? I have some documents for Sophia to sign", I heard Jamal say from the doorway.
"Sure,sir. I was about to leave anyway. Bye Sophia."
"Wait,you call her Sophia while I only get a sir?"
"Oh,of course not,"she replied with a laugh.
"Thanks for everything, Sarah."
"It's my duty,Jamal. I'll see you both tomorrow."
"I'd have asked how you were but that wouldn't be a very clever question,"he said once Sarah had shut the door behind her.
"It wouldn't,I don't even know how I feel right now so let's not go there."
"Whatever you feel is justified. You shouldn't choke it."
"Really,so I have the right to feel that life itself is against me?"
"I feel that way sometimes."
"I have no one left, Jamal. No mother, no father, no siblings,hell I don't even have relatives I know of. I'm stuck here in Houston alone in the world."
"You're not alone,Sophia. You have my father,Sarah, Aamir,"he wiped the tear rolling down my cheek." And you have me. I'm never,ever leaving you,Sophia."
I smiled. "You could have easily gotten rid of me if my father hadn't forced us into a joint property marriage."
"I'd never have divorced you anyways. I love the way you call me muffin."
"Don't get too fund of it,dear. You won't get it often,"I joked.
He laughed. "I meant what I said when I proposed to you,I really want to know you,if you let me."
The sincerity in his eyes made me want the same thing but I knew we couldn't make progress until I told him about my health.
"Jamal,there's something you need to know."
He shook his head. "I don't think I want to know,I won't be able to bear it if I heard it from your mouth. What's important now is I'm ready to be a good husband now. I just hope its not too late."
Did he already know? I didn't think Aamir could have told him.
"The lawyers are waiting downstairs. You should sign these quickly so they can leave."
I couldn't wait for Aamir to come see me so I could ask him if he had told Jamal. This issue left an unsettling feeling in my chest.

Aamir's POV.

"You're leaving already?",I asked Sarah as I saw her approach the front door.
"Sophia's orders. She thinks I need rest."
"Yeah,you've done a lot, funeral arrangements, work,looking after her."
"It's not a lot. Anyone in my position would have done the same thing."
"Doesn't mean we shouldn't acknowledge your efforts and no,not everyone would be this dedicated."
"Alright then,give me the praise, I deserve it all."
"You really are funny."
She cringed. "I fear being described that way by you."
"Why,it's a compliment."
"If you insist. Please take care of Sophia and don't leave her alone,else she'll be sad."
"I will take care of her. See you tomorrow."
Jamal was still talking to the lawyers so I went back upstairs to see Sophia.
"Hey,Sarah ordered me not to leave you alone. You know,I'm honestly beginning to see what you see in her too. She's really a..."
"Did you tell Jamal?"
"Tell him what?"
"Did you tell Jamal about my medical condition."
"Of course not. I knew you'd be the one to tell him once you felt your relationship was solid enough."
"Are you sure you didn't insinuate it or anything like that?"
"Jamal and I never talk about your health."
"Then how does he know?", she said worriedly.
"He confronted you about it?"
"Then what makes you think he knows?"
"I wanted to tell him just a while ago. I told him there was something he needed to know but he told me he didn't want to hear it from my mouth."
"He wasn't necessarily talking about your medical condition."
"Then what else did he mean when he said that,what could he possibly have been talking about?"
I went to sit by her. "I don't know but I really think it's about that issue. Knowing Jamal he'd have confronted you about it the moment he found out. It's something big ,he can't just push it off."
"You're probably right,but whatever he was talking about is serious too. I could see it in his eyes."
"But what made you want to tell him in the first place? Have you both gotten that close?"
"My father is dead. You,him and your father are the only family I have left. What's more he's my husband, It's important that we strengthen our ties."
"I understand," I forced myself to say. The truth was I wasn't really excited about Jamal knowing all this,I didn't want him knowing her as much as I did, much less being as close as were. Yes I knew it was selfish and she was his wife but she was my best friend before anything else.
"I'm finally done with the paperwork. The lawyers just left,"Jamal interrupted. "Oh,so Aamir was already keeping you company."
"And I'll leave now that you're here."
"That's a good idea,"he replied with an expression close to his usual glare but with a tight smile added.
"Everything's fine,Sophia,there's no need to worry. I'll see you later."
I told Sophia not to worry but I was pretty worried myself. I was sure Jamal knew nothing about her medical condition but I couldn't guess what he had been talking about either. His strange behaviour confirmed it was serious.
I had this feeling it had something to do with me as well. What was my crime this time around?

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