Chapter 6

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         Sophia's POV.

       I was flustered. I had tried everything I could to calm myself down and Aamir wasn't being
very helpful with his incessant laughter,worst of all,I was laughing as well.
     "You know what",I said between laughs."I don't care anymore. Let's just get this over and done with."
     "That's right",Aamir replied."I really can't wait to see this."
    "You can't wait to see me embarrass myself, how supportive"
     "Don't mention, dear"
I rose to leave the office and he followed me.
    "Where are you going to?",I asked.
   "I'm following you of course. That's what supportive friends do".
  I stuck out my tongue at  him."It won't be that bad,you'll see".
   The truth is,I didn't even believe myself.

   Stacy's POV.

     According to what Mahi,my gossip of a friend had told me,Sophia De la Fuenté, gosh,that name was hard to pronounce,was a quiet, straightforward,totally business-inclined person but that so far been proved wrong. The lady in front of me was actually funny and vibrant,almost crazy, I should add.
         "For those who don't know, I am Sophia De la Fuenté and I was the President of this company just less than a week but now I'm just your Program director, so technically, I've been demoted. Poor me",she said  laughing. My colleagues joined in the laughter but I didn't. I knew better than to laugh with my boss when I didn't know her yet.
    She seemed to be okay with them laughing and continued."Well I would mostly want to address the Advertising team. I love advertising, I have a passion for advertising."She was practically jumping as she said this. Wow, so much passion indeed.
      "Advertising is a very important aspect everywhere. You have to make people eager to buy what you have to offer,no matter how cheesy it may be."She also said this in a funny manner, but it was the next thing she said that completely shocked me.
    "Look at me for example. I'm not exactly the picture of your ideal girl,we all know that, but I do my best to always dress lovely." Whoa. She had just demeaned herself in front of everyone.
    "That's advertising. Picture me as as the lame TV program everyone will be dying to watch, just because I did a good job at advertising myself. That's what we want here,good adverts. Even Vampire Diaries may seem boring if not properly advertised."She paused for a second."Nah,that's not possible",the others laughed along with her again.
     "So guys, you've got to work extra hard. I will not tolerate lack of creativity. I have a new set of programs you need to work on. You may disperse now."
  These last words proved she was the stern person I thought her to be but why was she saying them so jokingly?
    "Man,the girl is cool",said a colleague.
     "Too bad she's a pale little thing. We could've had something going",said another.
   I rolled my eyes at their stupidity and walked towards Mahi and Sarah,another close friend of mine. I was an averagely quiet girl but Sarah appeared dumb sometimes. Wonder how we both got along with Mahi. Well let's just say we completed each other.
    "Whoa,that girl is nothing like what I heard",said Mahi. Too bad her informant failed her this time.
     "Yeah,she's quite...",was all Sarah said.
   "I feel there's more to this sunshine behaviour of hers. She just doesn't strike me as that kind of person. I could read it in her eyes;she's the serious type."
  Mahi and Sarah just shrugged. They knew there was no changing my mind  when it came to these things. I know I seemed a little superstitious but life had thought me to look before I leap.
    I had this feeling Sophia De la Fuenté's arrival was going to turn my life around.
  I just hoped it wouldn't be for the worst.

   Aamir's POV

   "What are you doing here?",I asked Jamal when he stood by me. We were a few feet from where Sophia was making her 'speech',close enough to hear what she was saying and so far I had be thoroughly entertained.
     "Err... I didn't see Steve so I thought I could tell you to look into it yourself. You know you're the best..."
   We were interrupted by Sophia. Wait,was Jamal actually about to compliment me?He only did that when he desperately wanted something from me or when he felt guilty about something. Although I had to control those fixing of those cables myself, my brother knew he wouldn't have to flatter me before I did. I always did my job so that couldn't be it. That meant he was guilty about something.
    "I hate you Aamir Alcatraz",Sophia said.
   "Welcome to the club",said Jamal.
    "Ouch,that hurts",I said placing my hand on my chest.
   "Mr. Alcatraz, why do we keep meeting each other today?",Sophia asked Jamal
   "I honestly don't know, Miss De la Fuenté",he replied.
     My mobile phone rang.
   "Aamir it's Steve. Your brother just handed me some reports concerning some transmission problems. I just want to seek your approval before handling them."
  "Sure. Go ahead and set the guys to work. I'll be there in a bit,bye"
     "Jamal, that was Steve. He said he received the reports. Didn't you tell me you didn't see him?"
    "Oh yeah,I forgot"
   "You never forget,brother. Hmm I see you were just looking for an opportunity to see her."
    "See who?",my brother asked, actually looking like he had been caught red-handed stealing candy.
     I laughed. So it was actually guilt."Stacy,of course",I replied.
    Jamal looked relieved."Yeah...that's right... Stacy."
     I turned to Sophia who had become extremely quiet now.
     "What's wrong, Sophia",I asked.
      "Ehm... This is the part when I break down",she replied, stumbling backwards. I rushed to hold her but Jamal beat me to it.
       "It's okay, bro. I'll handle it",I said, taking her from him.
      So now you couldn't wait for us to reach my office before sleeping off,how nice,Sophia.
     I carried her to my office and laid her on the sofa. Thankfully,there weren't many people along the way but the few that shot me surprised stares earned harder glares from me. I could be very scary when I meant to.
        With the way she slept, she wouldn't be up for another two hours or so.
    I took this time to go work on the reports my brother showed me.
  When I returned, she was still asleep. I watched her sleep and I remembered what she said concerning not being the picture of the ideal girl.
     Quite frankly I didn't share in that opinion.

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