Chapter 13

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Jamal's POV.

"What's going on,Aamir",
I asked him when I found him at the main balcony after dinner.
"What are you talking about?"
"Why does father want me to marry Sophia?"
"I thought he told you his reasons downstairs."
I wiped my face with my hands."Yeah,but I made Stacy understand that I was serious about our relationship. I can't just break things off like that."
"Really? You seemed to agree to the wedding back there or were you just being the usual daddy's boy?",he asked mockingly.
"Wait,Aamir. Why are you so relaxed about this,almost like you knew this was coming,were you aware of father's plans?"
"The last time I checked,you were the golden boy. Why would he discuss anything,what's more something as important as this with me."
"Well you seem very comfortable,almost happy if I may add. I thought she was your friend?"
He gave me a light tap on the shoulder. "You should feel proud that I consider you good enough for my friend" he replied.
I couldn't help but feel skeptical. I had this feeling Aamir knew more than what he was telling me. His answers were just too easy and playful,but then it was Aamir we were talking about.
"Aamir, I only said that to please father but quite frankly, there's no way in hell I'd marry Sophia."
"Why,because she's fleshless, pale-looking and not pretty?"
I cringed when I remembered how displeased Aamir had been the day I'd said that about Sophia.
"I didn't mean it that way,Aamir. All I'm trying to say is I don't want to disappoint Stacy."
"Okay,then go explain that to your father,not me."
I walked away even more confused. Aamir didn't seem like marrying Sophia was an option for him,he looked happy at the prospect of me doing so instead and was angry when I told him I didn't want to. Something was definitely wrong somewhere and with Aamir involved, I feared the worst.

The next morning I rushed to find Stacy. We had not been together for a long time now and I knew it was mostly my fault. I didn't even know why I'd been avoiding her.
"Morning,beautiful",I whispered in her ear.
"What is it,Jamal?",she replied, turning to face me.
"What's wrong, dear? I tried calling you several times last night,but you didn't pick up."
"Now you know how it feels."
"I know I've been silly lately. I'm sorry and I promise it won't..."
"Jamal,there's no need for all this. We both know you and I can't continue being together. I don't even know why you're still talking to me."
"What are you saying,Stacy?'
"Let's make it plain, Jamal. We are over. We weren't meant to happen in the first place."
"Who told you that,it's not true."
"I've already moved on,it's fine. No hard feelings."
I didn't try to stop her as she walked away. She seemed firm about her decision. What I couldn't understand was what had made her change her mind about us.
I turned to go to my office.
but stopped in my tracks when I saw Sophia standing just a few metres in front of me. The look on her face was blank so I couldn't tell whether she had heard our conversation. I hoped she hadn't.
"Good morning, Sophia",I tried saying cheerily.
"Morning, Jamal",she replied with a smile.
"You just arrived or..."
"Yeah I know,I'm quite late. That's what happens when my father decides to have a talk with me at five in the morning. The man actually woke me up,saying it was very 'important'. I mean couldn't he have just told me last night?"
I laughed,more because I was relieved. It seemed she hadn't heard.
"And it went all the way to past seven without us even reaching an agreement. Now I'm late."
"It's just eight-thirty; you're not that late... By the way my father wants you both for dinner tonight. Did your father tell you?"
"No,believe me he was preoccupied by other things",she rolled her eyes.
"I can imagine. So are you coming?"
"Sure. It's not polite to turn down invitations and I've got nothing else doing tonight. Besides,it's not like my father will leave me with a choice."
"Great,so we'll be expecting you both. Seven?"
"Seven it is",she agreed and started walking away.
"Let me walk you to your office",I asked,hopeful it wasn't Aamir's office she was headed to. To be frank,their little morning ritual irritated me.
"Okay,but I've got to check on stuff before we get there."
"No problem, I'll wait."
"Alright, let's go then."

Aamir's POV.

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