Chapter 25.

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Jamal's POV.

The sound of Sophia's screams woke me up. I didn't know whether to be confused as to why she could be screaming at this time of the night or happy at the fact that she had actually slept on our bed tonight.
Her screaming intensified.
"Hey,calm down. What's wrong, you had a nightmare?"
"No!",she continued yelling."Papa can't die,he can't leave me it's not possible, no!"
        "What,something happened to your father?"
         I heard a knock at the door.
"Who's it?"
"It's Aamir. Open up."
I left her on the bed and went to open the door."
"What's wrong with her?",he asked as he rushed past me. "What's going on,Sophia?"
"My father,he's dead. I just received a phone call from his nurse." She screamed again.
" can this happen. I was supposed to go see him today but I postponed it to tomorrow and now he's...he's dead,"she continued between sobs.
"Did she tell you how it happened?" I asked
"He had a heart attack and they rushed him to the hospital. Aamir, what am I going to do,what am I going to become. I can't...,"she burst into tears again.
"Calm down,Sophia. Your head's going to hurt," I said.
"Let her be. Its her way of expressing pain. No one can stop her when she starts. Please just get a car ready so we can take her to the hospital. I'll bring her down when she's calmer."
I tried convincing myself that this really wasn't the time for me to get jealous of my brother being better at handling my wife than me and went downstairs to get the car.

Aamir's POV

"See,i told you I'm a terrible daughter,Aamir. I was busy having fun while my dad was dying. I noticed he hadn't been well lately but I didn't do anything about it. I didn't even go to see him today like I said I would. How...I'll never forgive myself."
I knew there was no way I could convince her this wasn't her fault so I just brought her slippers and helped her slip her feet into them. She quickly went into the dressing room and changed into a long,black cotton gown. She crashed back on the floor, sobbing so hard I took her up and carried her downstairs.
I felt like crying too when I heard her murmur,"My life is a mess, nothing good ever happens to me and I can't say I don't deserve it."
We both sat at the back seat,her sitting on my thighs and her head on my chest and Jamal started the car. The ride to the hospital was quite silent except when Jamal asked which hospital it was.
"Here,"I said as I handed her a cup of tea. She had been silent since we arrived, even after she had seen his body and approved of his transfer to the mortuary. She was tired, I could see that,not just of crying but of living in general.
"Thanks,"she replied, taking a sip. "I've always hated tea. I don't get why people like it so much,do you?"
"No, not at all. They didn't have brandy. Apparently hospitals don't offer alcohol at the cafeteria. They use it all on wounds."
"Interesting discovery,"she joined in my silliness.
"Everything is settled. We can go home now,"Jamal told us.
I helped Sophia stand up.
"I'm so sorry,miss Sophia," her father's nurse said.
"At what time did you see him...unconscious?",Sophia asked,trying as hard as possible to stay strong.
"It was eleven pm. He was in his study and I went to give him his medication. The landline phone was out of place meaning he was on the phone before it happened."
"Do you know who he was talking to?"
"No,I have no idea. But he had been receiving quite a number of calls lately and he was never happy at the end of each call."
"Okay. Thanks Camilla. You've been of great help to my father. Its rather unfortunate he doesn't require your services anymore."
"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let him continue taking those calls,I shouldn't have left him alone."
"I should be the one saying that. You did your best,Camilla. Keep that in mind. I'll have someone bring money to you at home,I know you don't have an account."
"Thank you,miss Sophia."
"You should go home and rest."
"You too,"Jamal said. Let me go start the car.
"I wonder who had been calling my father that he got this stressed out. I don't think it had anything to do with business."
"Me neither. If you want we could try tracing the location of the caller."
"Yes. I want that done. It doesn't matter anymore but I still want to know."
"Everything will be done later. Right now what you need is a real drink."
"You're not going to turn me into a drunkard, are you?"
"Of course not. Just one drink so we can both calm down then we'll go to sleep."
I saw Jamal glare at me from the driver's window. I ignored him and focused on Sophia who was already fast asleep. She didn't need the alcohol after all.
When we got home Jamal came out an opened our door.
"Give her to me,I'll take her upstairs,"he half growled.
"It's fine,I can do it."
"I am her husband,I'm the one to do it."
"Would you two stop acting all alpha male on me and let one person take me up already,"Sophia murmured, her eyes still closed.
I chuckled. "You still watch such movies?"
She opened her eyes and stood on her feet.
"It has nothing to do with movies. Let's go get that drink." She left us and walked inside.
"You should go to bed. I'll continue from here,"Jamal said.
"I was the one who proposed the drink so I'll drink it with her." I walked it too,ignoring his usual glare.
After a few shots we decided we had had enough.
"You're sure you can make it up there on your own?"
"Yes,"she replied. "But I wonder how I'd be able to sleep comfortably knowing my father just died and I wasn't even there to listen to his last words."
"We can stay up if you want."
"No,you should sleep."
"Nonsense, if you aren't sleeping then I wouldn't either."
"Let's go,then. I'm tired."
Jamal was still awake when I took her to their room."
"You're alright?",he asked her.
"I doubt that's a question to ask right now,"she replied. "I'll go change back to my nightwear."
Jamal let out an exasperated sigh
"I just remembered. Father doesn't know yet," I said.
"We'll just tell him tomorrow," Sophia said from the dressing room. " At least he should sleep comfortably tonight."
"Okay,I'll leave you two then. Try to sleep,Sophia."
"I will,"she said coming out.
I nodded at Jamal before walking out.

I'm sorry I hardly leave author's notes. I hardly have anything to say so...

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