Chapter 11

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Aamir's POV.

"Good morning, sir",Sarah O'Donnell,said rather nervously as I approached her.
" How are you,Sarah"
She seemed surprised that I knew her name but recovered quickly to answer my question.
"I-I'm fine,sir,thanks for asking. W-what about you?"
Honestly, I wasn't okay, I chuckled inwardly; when was the last time I had actually been fine?"
"Better now that I've seen you",I said with a smirk.
She laughed.
Okay,so what was funny?
I laughed too.
I knew Sarah because she was a friend of Stacy's. She was rather quiet, compared to the nosy semi Indian,not as pretty, but her ginger hair and dark green eyes were enough to attract attention.
My cell phone biped.
"Err...Sarah,I'll see you around."
"Sure thing,sir."
I rushed to say goodbye to a very busy Sophia who just waved me off.

"Yes, father",I said as I entered my father's office.
"What's going on,Aamir, why are you so slow? Sophia is already well-known,other men obviously already have their eyes on her."
"Sophia is not interested in men,besides I'm always with her.
"We're not taking chances here,we need to act fast."
"What about you,dad,why aren't you doing your own part?"
"Because you need to finish yours,or at least succeed in raising considerable doubts and mistrust between them. Go ahead and do it,Aamir, aren't you a player,you're not a weakling, I suppose?"
'Weakling' was my father's understanding of overemotional.
"I found it hard to answer that;I wasn't sure myself if I was capable of doing this.
It's for Sophia,Aamir, you're not doing you this for your father,you're doing for her;
I reminded myself. I was probably a weakling in many aspects but never when it came to making the right decisions when it concerned the people I loved.
"I'm not a weakling, father",I finally replied.
"Then prove it and go do what you have to do."
I nodded and left his office.
I took the elevator, heading for the last floor and made my way to the roof.

This whole issue sucked, my whole life sucked. Everyone knew me as Aamir the heartless bad boy Alcatraz, if only they knew how wrong they were;I was actually the most emotional one. Fate knew that and that's why it kept playing all these silly games on me.
"Aamir?",I heard a familiar voice call.
"My,I've been looking everywhere for you,what are you here?",she asked, sitting next to me.
"I-uh,just came to think",I white lied.
"Hmm,think about what?"
"You",I replied, hoping I actually sounded cocky.
"Oh you mean how you don't want to disappoint me tonight. Well how about going to check on your team for a start?"
I forced a laugh and began rising. Sophia held my hand midway.
"Is there something wrong?"
"No,it's fine",I replied, trying to sound casual.
"It's fine,but you're not fine?"
"No,what I meant was I'm fine, I mean I'm always fine. I'm Amir Alcatraz for Goodness's sake"
She rose too,and looked into my eyes. I just hoped she wasn't one of those weird people who just needed one close look at you to know your deepest secrets.
"I just realized there's so much I don't know about you, Aamir Alcatraz",she said at length.
"What do you want to know,my first crush's name?",I joked. Thankfully I was becoming my fake self again.
Sophia rolled her eyes like I knew she was going to do,but they never left mine,her gaze was intense as her eyes searched mine.
"What's your middle name?",she asked after another long while. The question was so easy,I feared it was a way of squeezing something more important out. This girl probably had hidden psychic abilities.
"Raza. I am Amir Raza Alcatraz."
"And what's Jamal's?"
This one surprised me more. Since when had Sophia become interested in Jamal?Well, perhaps it was still another means to an end.
"Alamin. That's our mother's last name."
"You've never told me about your mum."
How did we arrive this stage,I knew she was a psychic.
"Well err,I'll tell you about her some other time. Let's get back to work."

Jamal's POV.

Sophia and her heels. That was a love story comparable to that of Jack and Rose or even Romeo and Juliet as it seemed only death could separate them. She was practically running helter skelter checking on everything and everyone I feared she'd fall. I remembered the last time I had seen her like this was the day she had that sugar rush. The thought of it made me laugh.
I watched her hastily leave the hall.
There was something extraordinary about her. I just couldn't place it.
Neither could I help but notice everything about her. She had this simple petite dress which was lace black from the red lace waistband upward and pleated and multicoloured downward where it ended right above her knees,making me notice that she had gained weight and some colour lately. Her hair was tied in a messy bun,probably because she was in a haste to make it early to work this morning but she stayed true to her make-up. I reckoned the only way I could see her without it would be if we lived together. That thought made me...
I turned to see a very unhappy-looking Stacy approach me.
"Yes,Stacy, how are you?",was all my faraway mind could find.
"The same way you left me on Friday. Come on, Jamal,don't play innocent with me. You've been avoiding me and what I want to know is why?"
"What are you saying,o Stacy,I'm not avoiding you. I've just been very busy..."
Aamir's annoying chuckle as he entered the hall with Sophia distracted me.
Stacy turned to look at what had distracted me,then turned back and gave me a 'what-the-hell' look.
"Jamal why are you...",she started but we were interrupted by Sophia.
"Jamal,err,excuse me,miss Cooke. I'd like to talk to you."
She called me Jamal. My name on her lips sounded like she owned it,like it had been hers to call since forever.
"So,brother",Aamir's equally annoying voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "I thought you were supposed to be in your office making a few phone calls;you seem to love hanging around here lately."
Stacy walked away;I knew I'd have to do a lot to get myself forgiven after this.
"Sure,Sophia,what do you want?",I said,ignoring Aamir.
He walked towards Stacy,gave her that annoyingly lovely smile of his and started telling her heaven knows what crap he usually told girls to make them fall for him.
My player brother was talking to Stacy,my girlfriend.
And the strange thing was,I didn't feel the slightest bit of jealousy.

Hey again. I know I said I'll update every 48 hours but I got caught up reading 234's lifelines. I cried after Lexis' 'death' and I really needed to know what'll happen next. Who's reading it too?
What do you think Aamir and his dad's plan is all about?

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