Chapter 14

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     Sophia's POV.

        "What!",I shrieked. "Enough with this joke,papa."
     I had thought he was just playing around regarding this whole marriage issue but with the way he had constantly being rambling about it since we had had dinner with the Alcatraz's,it certainly was not funny anymore and was actually beginning to piss me off;especially what he had just said.
         "I'm serious, dear. Rasheed and I discussed this. He'd be more than happy to have you for a daughter-in- law."
           "I do not want to get married, much less to a man I met weeks ago. I barely know him."
      "A month or ten years,it doesn't make any difference. You'll never truly know people."
     I could tell he was making allusion to my mother.
      "That's not enough reason for us to just jump into  marriage."
       "But keeping my shares in the company is."
      "What do you mean,papa?"
         "If you marry Jamal,our family will become one. I need not worry about what will happen to my shares in the event of my death."
      So this was it. My father wanted me to marry Jamal so I wouldn't leave Houston after his death and his shares wouldn't be lost.
        "Why is it always about your damn company!"
      "It's not just about..."
   "Of course it is. All you're interested in are your shares in Kance. Well I'm not game,papa. I am not getting married."
      "Don't be unnecessarily obstinate,Sophia,this is for your own good. You have to get married and you'll never find a better husband than Jamal Alcatraz. Rasheed has already spoken to his sons and Jamal is very willing. So don't ruin my chances of becoming a grandfather or just seeing my only child happy because of your stubbornness. This conversation is over!",my father said and left the table.
        I stayed there,completely shaken. He hardly spoke angrily to me;actually he had never done that until I came to Houston this time.
    It was all my fault. I had ruined his marriage and all I could give him after that was abandonment and now disappointment. That was all
I ever did,disappoint him. thought made me push my plate away and I walked to my car.
           It took me a while to actually register that my father had said Aamir and Jamal were aware of this plan...and Jamal was willing?
  And Aamir. He was my friend. How could he have just agreed to this?

     The expression on his face when I walked into his office was a mixture of happiness,sorrow, relief and he also looked a little sorry.
     Oh you had better be sorry you jerk.
        "Hey,Sophia. You finally came back to daddy after ignoring me for four whole days. Bad kid",he said with that annoyingly charming smile of his.
        "Is it true,Aamir?''
         "Well you are the one with psychic abilities, so you must forgive me if I can't guess what you're talking about.''
            So you think I'm here to joke around.
      I dropped my briefcase on his table and inched closer for dramatic effect.
      "That you are about to become my brother-in-law."
      The mixed expression again.
       "Yes,that. So it's true,you know."
      "Aamir you know marriage is a touchy subject for me and you blissfully approved my marrying your brother."
        "It was my father's decision."
      "And from what my father told me,your brother easily agreed."
        "He has always done whatever our father asked of him."
          "Really,so it's only about his father's decision and about getting over the fact that his girlfriend left him for his brother."
           " did..."
       "Oh please. Its not a secret that you and miss Cooke have gotten close lately. I don't want to judge either of you,neither do I wish to be involved in your little love triangle. I don't joke with relationships,Aamir. You of all people should know that!"
       I grabbed my briefcase and stormed out of his office and he ran after me.
          "Sophia,wait," he said, grabbing my arm.
          "Why him,Aamir, why not you? "
       His eyes bore into mine, like they were in search of something.
           "You wanted me?",he asked,almost longingly.
            "That's not the point. I know you more,you know me more."
          "Jamal's a good guy Sophia. He plays the reasonable adult card,but he's got a good heart. I wouldn't have agreed if I didn't think he'd be good for you."
           "My condition, he doesn't know. We're not even sure if we're compatible."
      "I took care of that. The compatibility is not a problem."
       "You really want this,don't you?"
       "You're my friend, I want what's best for you."
      "We don't have the same opinion about what's best for me",I said before walking away.
         He didn't pursue me this time,but watched me till I entered the elevator.
     Jamal's POV.
   I was on my way to my favorite part of the building when unfortunately,my brother joined me.
He looked flustered and a little like he had being crying. Perhaps one of his 'girls' had slapped him.
      "Thanks for being around me,brother. You know I so love seeing your face",I said,rolling my eyes.
        "Have you spoken to Sophia this morning?"
      "No,was I supposed to? You know,I'm trying not to choke her."
         "She's in a very bad mood. Her father told her about the wedding arrangement. She came to my office asking if you and I had truly agreed and grew even angrier when I confirmed it."
      I suddenly feared for my life. "So she's the one who slapped you."
         "Your face looks like crap."
        "She didn't slap me man,but you mightn't be that lucky."
     I so wanted to change destination.
         I didn't. I'd have to face her at some point. I hadn't spoken to her because I couldn't come up with words that wouldn't make me look like a  useless ambitious selfish jerk which was exactly what I was,but then I wouldn't rub it in;no one wanted that kind of guy for a husband,especially when they hadn't even known them for more than two months.
         My heart raced when I saw her,probably because the prospect of her slapping me in front of everyone seemed very possible,but I equally had this feeling it was something else.
     Aamir went away. He was surely scared of getting his own slap.
     I braced my self up and walked towards her.
        "Good morning, Sophia."
     "Jamal,how are you?"
     So not what I was expecting.
       "I'm... Fine,and you?"
      "I'm flourishing. So what are you looking for around here?"
        What was Aamir talking about?"
        "I came to see you."
      "Oh,look at you,playing the good fiancé."
        This girl is confusing.
     "But I'm so not happy. How can we be engaged when I didn't even get a proposal, much less a ring",she added in a funny Barbie tone and batting her eyelids.
      "Err...that's right. I'll...make a phone call."
       "Do",she said with a smile.
         "Do you have any preferences?"
       "Oh,you're supposed to know,dear fiancé."
          Ain't I?
      "But you don't, so, surprise me",she said and walked away.
        What had I gotten myself into?

     Stacy's POV.
        I heard people gasping and when I turned around, I realized I was the only one still in the room.
     Naturally, I went out to see what had caught everyone's attention and the sight before me nearly made me lose my stability.
      There stood miss De la Fuenté and Jamal on one knee in front of her holding out a ring.
        What the hell.
    "Sophia. I know we only just met,but I'll be a fool to let the clock decide for me whether or not what I'm feeling is real. I'd love to know you,every bit and piece of you and I'd want do that being your husband. Sophia, will you marry me?"
       I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This was just too ridiculous. Jamal was asking Sophia to marry him.
      How was this even possible? She was always with Aamir, so how did...?
        "Yes,Jamal. I'd love to know you too,as your wife and you as my husband."
        I was beginning to feel dizzy. The sound of  applause as he slipped the ring on her finger seemed faraway. I tried getting back in so I wouldn't fall in front of everyone.
     "Stacy,are you okay?",Sarah asked me.
        "I'm fine."
     She handed me a glass of water.
         "I don't want it."
       "Don't be stubborn, Stacy,have it. You'll feel better."
     I could never feel better. Sophia the perfect one had yet again managed to get all the luck to her side. First it was Aamir following her around like a puppy and now Jamal was asking her to marry him. I couldn't understand how she did it,but even the only thing I could boast of as being mine was now hers.
       I took the glass of water and gulped it down.
      Sophia couldn't marry both brothers, so I was so going to keep the one she had forfeited.
      I was sorry for Mahi but there was no way I was going to let my chances of having a better life slip through my fingers.


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