Chapter 7

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Sophia' POV.

I woke up to see Aamir staring at me like a father stares at his newborn baby.
" Friend,you're taking your role a little too seriously. You actually are like a stalker now.",I murmured. I was beginning to have a headache. I'd never been drunk but I could tell there wasn't much difference between that and a sugar rush.
"So much for being affectionate",he replied while rising and moving towards his buffet table. "You have to eat now."
"I don't feel like eating right now. Just get me water."
He looked behind him like he was checking if I was talking to someone else.
"Are you talking to me? You are going to eat this salad and then you can have your water."
I sat up."What time is it?"
"A little past one"
"Like seriously?Why didn't you wake me up?"
"When I know you barely slept last night?"
I raised a brow."How did you know that?"
"That was the first thing I noticed when I saw you this morning despite your enthusiasm. You should know eyes don't lie."
I cringed."I don't like this. You are not my dad,Aamir."
"Your luck"
"Give me the salad",I said angrily.
"With all pleasure, dear. Have some beetroot juice too."
I really wanted to be angry but the only thing I could angry at was how adorable he was.
"You're welcome",he said.
I stuck out my tongue and he laughed.

I hated going back home. It reminded me of things I had tried so hard to forget but I couldn't stay in a hotel or get an apartment as I knew papa wouldn't like that.
"I have been waiting for you",he said as I entered the living room.
"Sorry. It was my first official day as the Program director so I had lots of work to do."This, in its strictest sense,was a lie. I had actually spent the rest of the day in Aamir's office as he refused to let me leave but I had checked on the work my team was doing once.
My father nodded."I'm happy you are taking your work seriously. That shows you want to keep your job at Kance."
That also means you'll be staying in Houston. I knew he wanted to add.
"Anyways, I wanted to tell you that I'll be throwing a welcome party for you."
"Papa,I really am not in the mood for a party",I replied. Getting acquainted with my father's friends didn't really sound exciting.
"Come on. I just want everyone to know that my daughter is back home. You know some people don't even know I have a child."
"What's the essence when I'll probably be leaving anytime?"
"They'll know I have an heiress. Besides you know only few people here. Don't you want to make friends?"
I didn't want to make friends, Amir was enough. Besides I had trust issues, I didn't trust people easily.
"It's just a party, dear. Won't do you any harm. I'll ensure you don't get too tired.
"Fine, papa. Do what pleases you", I replied,walking towards the stairs. I didn't believe this was going to be just a harmless party. Knowing my father, there was definitely something behind it.
"Sophia",my father called.
"Yes papa."
"Don't you think you're of marriageable age?We should start finding suitors."
Ah,so this is what this party issue is about.
"I thought you wanted me to be by your side. Why are you so eager to marry me off?"
"It's the joy of every father to see their daughter happily married."
"Really? When I was nine, you made me promise never to get married and leave you."
"I can't remember that"
"I am just twenty-four,papa."
"And you're not getting any younger, dear."
I sighed and shook my head."Good night, papa."
"Good night, Sophia."

Aamir's POV.

I waited for her again today. The stubborn girl had probably not eaten this morning either and being the good friend I was I had to remedy that.
She smiled when she saw me and I didn't like the effect it had on me. It gave me butterflies in my stomach.
Damn,that's girl talk,Amir.
"Hey you",she said,trying to sound okay.
I took her hand."Let's go have breakfast. I got you lettuce and I got a steak specially prepared to suit you. You'll have that for lunch."
She didn't reply and that surprised me. Sophia never gave in without a little fight.
"What's wrong?",I asked.
"You're beginning to know me too well,Aamir."
"That doesn't answer the question, sweetheart."
I opened the door to my office and made her sit on the sofa.
"Tell me",I said.
"My father is throwing a welcome party for me."
"Hmm, nice. Why are you sad then,you're not the party type?. Sure,you're not the party type.",I concluded.
"That's not the problem."
"What is it,then?"
"The old man is trying to get me suitors. I guess he thinks getting me married will make me stay in Houston."
"Yeah,that's a good idea",I replied.
"Are you supporting him?"
"Me?No. I just think it's a good plan",I said, handing her the salad.
"Thanks. The thing is he doesn't get how complicated it will be,that's if at all I agreed, which I'm not even considering, yet",she said before taking a mouthful of that horrible green stuff.
"How complicated can it be. You're a young girl and men like young girls"
"Healthy, pretty young girls, you mean. Aamir, if I am going to marry,then it must be someone who'll understand my condition and love me for who I am despite knowing I may die before he even develops gray hair."She stopped and looked at me,her eyes already watery."Someone like you."
I swallowed. Was she sending me signals?
"But you see,not everyone is as understanding as you are."
Okay,she was just saying.
"And that's not all.  We'd need to have a proper check on his genotype, so we could have greater chances of having normal kids. I don't want my child to suffer what I suffered, Aamir,that's if I'm even healthy enough to bear one. I can't possibly expect one man to be that perfect, that's why I never thought of marriage but I'm my father's only child. I should at least give him a grandchild for all the children he couldn't have because my mother and him were too scared they'd be like me."
I listened intently,she seemed to have so much bitterness and guilt stored up inside her.
I didn't say anything, just handed her the juice.
"Thanks for listening, for caring, for just being there, Aamir",she said.
I nodded. "Always will. By the way,do you have a date to the party?"

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